内容简介:本次更新建议升级 更新Beetl到最新的2.7.27,Beetl的上一个版本对注释处理有错误 <dependency> <groupId>com.ibeetl</groupId> <artifactId>beetlsql</artifactId> <version>2.10.1...
<dependency> <groupId>com.ibeetl</groupId> <artifactId>beetlsql</artifactId> <version>2.10.13</version> </dependency>
BeetlSQL是以 SQL 为中心的Dao工具,具备如下功能
void insert(T entity);
int updateById(T entity);
int updateTemplateById(T entity);
int deleteById(Object key);
T unique(Object key);
T single(Object key);
T lock(Object key);
List<T> all();
List<T> template(T entity);
<T> T templateOne(T entity);
List<T> execute(String sql,Object... args);
List<User> list = userDao.createQuery().andEq("name","hi").orderBy("create_date").select();
如果是 Java 8,且引入了对jaque库依赖,则可以
List<User> list1 = userDao.createQuery().lamdba().andEq(User::getName, "hi").orderBy(User::getCreateDate).select();
@SqlResource("console.user") public interface UserConsoleDao extends BaseMapper<SysUser> { void batchDelUserByIds(List<Long> ids); void batchUpdateUserState( List<Long> ids, GeneralStateEnum stateEnum); @Sql("update sys_user set password=? where id=?") int changePassword(String newPassword,long id); }
batchDelUserByIds === update SYS_USER u set u.del_flag = 1 where u.id in( #join(ids)#) batchUpdateUserState === update SYS_USER u set u.state = #state# where u.id in( #join(ids)#)
selectUserAndDepartment === select * from user where user_id=#userId# @ orm.single({"departmentId":"id"},"Department"); @ orm.many({"id":"userId"},"user.selectRole","Role"); user.selectRole === select r.* from user_role ur left join role r on ur.role_id=r.id where ur.user_id=#userId#
与 hiberante,myabtis 比较
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
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The Four
Scott Galloway / Portfolio / 2017-10-3 / USD 28.00
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