内容简介:Apache Qpid Dispatch 1.0.1 已发布。Qpid Dispatch 是高级消息队列 Protocol 1.0 的路由,提供了 AMQP 端点之间灵活且可扩展的相互连接。 这是一个 bug 修复版本: DISPATCH-874 - unable to load .json or...
Apache Qpid Dispatch 1.0.1 已发布。Qpid Dispatch 是高级消息队列 Protocol 1.0 的路由,提供了 AMQP 端点之间灵活且可扩展的相互连接。
这是一个 bug 修复版本:
DISPATCH-874 - unable to load .json or .woff2 files from local file system from http port
DISPATCH-881 - Inbound pre-settled messages causes memory leak of deliveries
DISPATCH-882 - router buffers messages for slow presettled receiver
DISPATCH-883 - Router crashes when it processes management request for connections
DISPATCH-887 - Dispatch reestablishes connection inspite of deleting the connector
DISPATCH-889 - linkRoute patterns beginning with #/string match substrings after the /
DISPATCH-895 - qpid-dispatch crashes with a SEGFAULT in libqpid-proton
DISPATCH-900 - Memory leak when repeatedly opening and closing connections
DISPATCH-908 - Router loses dispositions over receive link on qpid-interop-test 2-node test
DISPATCH-914 - qd_connector_t leaks mutexes
DISPATCH-920 - Enabled policy blocks inter-router links
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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