内容简介:Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.21-20 已发布,基于 MySQL 5.7.21,包含其中的所有错误修复。Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.21-20 是目前 5.7 系列的最新稳定版本。更新如下: 新特性 A new string variable v...
Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.21-20 已发布,基于 MySQL 5.7.21,包含其中的所有错误修复。Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.21-20 是目前 5.7 系列的最新稳定版本。更新如下:
A new string variable
allows to change suffix for the Percona Server version string returned by the read-onlyversion
variable. Alsoversion_comment
is converted from a global read-only to a global read-write variable.A new
variable allows to set the amount of seconds for the Vault server connection timeout. Bug fixed #298.
Bug 修复
startup script was unable to detect jemalloc library location for preloading, and that prevented starting Percona Server on systemd based machines. Bugs fixed #3784 and #3791.There was a problem with fulltext search, which could find a word with punctuation marks in natural language mode only, but not in boolean mode. Bugs fixed #258, #2501 (upstream #86164).
Build errors were present on FreeBSD (caused by fixing the bug #255 in Percona Server
) and on MacOS (caused by fixing the bug #264 in Percona Server5.7.20-19
). Bugs fixed #2284 and #2286.A bunch of fixes was introduced to remove GCC 7 compilation warnings for
the Percona Server build. Bugs fixed #3780 (upstream #89420, #89421, and #89422).CMake error took place at compilation with bundled zlib. Bug fixed #302.
A GCC 7 warning fix introduced regression in Percona Server that led to a wrong SQL query built to access the remote server when Federated storage engine was used. Bug fixed #1134.
It was possible to enable
with no binary or relay logging enabled. Bug fixed #287.Long buffer wait times where occurring on busy servers in case of the
command.Bug fixed #276.
Server queries that contained JSON special characters and were logged by Audit Log Plugin in JSON format caused invalid output due to lack of escaping. Bug fixed #1115.
Percona Server now uses Travis CI for additional tests. Bug fixed #3777.
其他 bug 修复:#257, #264, #1090 (upstream #78048), #1109, #1127, #2204, #2414, #2415, #3767, #3794, 和 #3804 (upstream #89598).
该版本包含对以下 CVE 漏洞的修复: CVE-2018-2565, CVE-2018-2573, CVE-2018-2576, CVE-2018-2583, CVE-2018-2586, CVE-2018-2590, CVE-2018-2612, CVE-2018-2600, CVE-2018-2622, CVE-2018-2640, CVE-2018-2645, CVE-2018-2646, CVE-2018-2647, CVE-2018-2665, CVE-2018-2667, CVE-2018-2668, CVE-2018-2696
MyRocks 和 TokuDB 也有变更,详细点此查看:https://www.percona.com/blog/2018/02/19/percona-server-mysql-5-7-21-20-now-available/
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
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