内容简介:Neo4j 3.4.0-alpha08 已发布,Neo4j 是世界领先的高性能图数据库,具备成熟和健壮的数据库的所有特性,如友好的查询语言和事务的 ACID 原则。 更新内容: Kernel Index-backed support for spatial point equali...
Neo4j 3.4.0-alpha08 已发布,Neo4j 是世界领先的高性能图数据库,具备成熟和健壮的数据库的所有特性,如友好的查询语言和事务的 ACID 原则。
Index-backed support for spatial point equality and range searches from Cypher. #10702
For example, the following query will return all points in the specified range:
WITH point({latitude: 56.5, longitude: 12.5}) as bottomLeft, point({latitude: 57.5, longitude: 13.5}) as topRight MATCH (c:City) WHERE c.location > bottomLeft AND c.location < topRight
This also includes support for storing points and arrays of points as node properties.
Any temporal value can be stored in a property. This includes Date, Time, DateTime, LocalTime, LocalDateTime, and Duration. #10992
Fix bug in bytecode generation for multiple ands and ors #10943
dbms.procedures() which lists all built-in procedures now also list their mode #10973
Fix bug where shortestPath unnecessarily required named nodes #10995
Fixes incorrect planning of pattern comprehension inside unwind #11008
Fix offset bug in periodic commit #11027
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
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