内容简介:McCLIM 0.9.7 "Imbolc" 发布了。McCLIM是Common Lisp接口管理(CLIM)规范(CLIM II Specification)的一个开源实现,用来在Common Lisp里编写GUI程序的强大的工具集。目前只能运行于x window环境下。 主要更新内容如...
McCLIM 0.9.7 "Imbolc" 发布了。McCLIM是Common Lisp接口管理(CLIM)规范(CLIM II Specification)的一个开源实现,用来在Common Lisp里编写GUI程序的强大的 工具 集。目前只能运行于x window环境下。
Bug fix: tab-layout fixes.
Bug fix: formatting-table fixes.
Bug fix: scrolling and viewport fixes and refactor.
Feature: raster image draw backend extension.
Feature: bezier curves extension.
Feature: new tests and demos in clim-examples.
Feature: truetype rendering is now default on clx.
Feature: additions to region, clipping rectangles and drawing.
Feature: clim-debugger and clim-listener improvmenets.
Feature: mop is now done with CLOSER-MOP.
Feature: threading is now done with BORDEAUX-THREADS.
Feature: clx-fb backend (poc of framebuffer-based backend).
Feature: assumption that all panes must be mirrored has been removed.
Cleanup: many files cleaned up from style warnings and such.
Cleanup: removal of PIXIE.
Cleanup: removal of CLIM-FFI package.
Cleanup: changes to directory structure and asd definitions.
Cleanup: numerous manual additions and corrections.
Cleanup: broken backends has been removed.
Cleanup: goatee has been removed in favour of Drei.
Cleanup: all methods have now corresponding generic function declarations.
详细更新内容欢迎查看:McCLIM blog,git log 和 issue tracker.
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《McCLIM 0.9.7 "Imbolc" 发布,接口管理规范》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
猜你喜欢:- McCLIM 0.9.7 "Imbolc" 发布,接口管理规范
- 代码分支管理规范
- Git Flow 版本管理规范
- 项目过程管理(十)开发规范
- 项目过程管理(九)设计师规范
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Rael Dornfest、Tara Calishain / 卞军、谢伟华、朱炜 / 电子工业 / 2006-1 / 49.00元
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