对于一名初学者来说,想要尽快熟悉 Go 语言特性,所以以操作式的学习方法为主,比如编写一个简单的数学计算器,读取命令行参数,进行数学运算。
本文讲述使用三种方式讲述 Go 语言如何接受命令行参数,并完成一个简单的数学计算,为演示方便,最后的命令行结果大概是这样的:
# input ./calc add 1 2 # output 3 # input ./calc sub 1 2 # out -1 # input ./calc mul 10 20 # out 200
- 内置 os 包读取命令参数
- 内置 flag 包读取命令参数
- cli 框架读取命令参数
0. 已有历史经验
如果你熟悉 Python 、 Shell 脚本,你可以比较下:
import sys args = sys.argv # args 是一个列表 # 第一个值表示的是 文件名 # 除第一个之外,其他的值是接受的参数
if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 param1 pram2" exit 1 fi name=$1 age=$2 echo $name echo $age # `$0` 表示文件名 # `$1` 表示第一个参数 # `$2` 表示第二个参数
能看出一些共性,接收参数,一般解析出来都是一个数组(列表、切片), 第一个元素表示的是文件名,剩余的参数表示接收的参数。
好,那么为了实现 “简单数学计算” 这个功能,读取命令行参数:比如 ./calc add 1 2
除文件名之外的第一个元素:解析为 进行数学运算的 操作,比如: add、sub、mul、sqrt
1. OS 获取命令行参数
os.Args # 为接受的参数,是一个切片 strconv.Atoi # 将字符串数值转换为整型 strconv.Itoa # 将整型转换为字符串 strconv.ParseFloat # 将字符串数值转换为浮点型
var help = func () { fmt.Println("Usage for calc tool.") fmt.Println("====================================================") fmt.Println("add 1 2, return 3") fmt.Println("sub 1 2, return -1") fmt.Println("mul 1 2, return 2") fmt.Println("sqrt 2, return 1.4142135623730951") } func CalcByOs() error { args := os.Args if len(args) < 3 || args == nil { help() return nil } operate := args[1] switch operate { case "add":{ rt := 0 number_one, err1 := strconv.Atoi(args[2]) number_two, err2 := strconv.Atoi(args[3]) if err1 == nil && err2 == nil { rt = number_one + number_two fmt.Println("Result ", rt) } } case "sub": { rt := 0 number_one, err1 := strconv.Atoi(args[2]) number_two, err2 := strconv.Atoi(args[3]) if err1 == nil && err2 == nil { rt += number_one - number_two fmt.Println("Result ", rt) } } case "mul": { rt := 1 number_one, err1 := strconv.Atoi(args[2]) number_two, err2 := strconv.Atoi(args[3]) if err1 == nil && err2 == nil { rt = number_one * number_two fmt.Println("Result ", rt) } } case "sqrt": { rt := float64(0) if len(args) != 3 { fmt.Println("Usage: sqrt 2, return 1.4142135623730951") return nil } number_one, err := strconv.ParseFloat(args[2], 64) if err == nil { rt = math.Sqrt(number_one) fmt.Println("Result ", rt) } } default: help() } return nil }
./calc add 1 2 Result 3 ==================== ./calc sub 1 2 Result -1 ==================== ./calc mul 10 20 Result 200 =================== ./calc sqrt 2 Result 1.4142135623730951
2. flag 获取命令行参数
flag 包比 os 读取参数更方便。可以自定义传入的参数的类型:比如字符串,整型,浮点型,默认参数设置等
var operate string flag.StringVar(&operate,"o", "add", "operation for calc")
# 解释
绑定 operate 变量, name="o", value="add" , usage="operation for calc"
var operate := flag.String("o", "add", "operation for calc")
同时还可以自定义 flag 类型
所有变量注册之后,调用 flag.Parse() 来解析命令行参数, 如果是绑定变量的方式,直接使用变量进行操作,
如果使用指针变量型,需要 *operate 这样使用。
flag.Args() 表示接收的所有命令行参数集, 也是一个切片
for index, value := range flag.Args { fmt.Println(index, value) }
func CalcByFlag() error { var operation string var numberone float64 var numbertwo float64 flag.StringVar(&operation, "o", "add", "operation for this tool") flag.Float64Var(&numberone, "n1", 0, "The first number") flag.Float64Var(&numbertwo, "n2", 0, "The second number") flag.Parse() fmt.Println(numberone, numbertwo) if operation == "add" { rt := numberone + numbertwo fmt.Println("Result ", rt) } else if operation == "sub" { rt := numberone - numbertwo fmt.Println("Result ", rt) } else if operation == "mul" { rt := numberone * numbertwo fmt.Println("Result ", rt) } else if operation == "sqrt" { rt := math.Sqrt(numberone) fmt.Println("Result ", rt) } else { help() } return nil }
./calc -o add -n1 1 -n2 2 Result 3 ============================= ./calc -o sub -n1 2 -n2 3 Result -1 ============================ ./calc -o mul -n1 10 -n2 20 Result 200 =========================== ./calc -o sqrt -n1 2 Result 1.4142135623730951
3. CLI 框架
cli 是一款业界比较流行的命令行框架。
go get github.com/urfave/cli
# 一个简单的示例如下: package main import ( "fmt" "os" "github.com/urfave/cli" ) func main() { app := cli.NewApp() app.Name = "boom" app.Usage = "make an explosive entrance" app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) error { fmt.Println("boom! I say!") return nil } app.Run(os.Args) }
好,为实现 “简单数学计算” 的功能,我们应该怎么实现呢?
主要是 使用 框架中的 Flag 功能,对参数进行设置
app.Flags = []cli.Flag { cli.StringFlag{ Name: "operation, o", Value: "add", Usage: "calc operation", }, cli.Float64Flag{ Name: "numberone, n1", Value: 0, Usage: "number one for operation", }, cli.Float64Flag{ Name: "numbertwo, n2", Value: 0, Usage: "number two for operation", }, }
那么在这个框架中如何实现参数的操作呢:主要是重写app.Action 方法
app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) error { operation := c.String("operation") numberone := c.Float64("numberone") numbertwo := c.Float64("numbertwo") //fmt.Println(operation, numberone, numbertwo) if operation == "add" { rt := numberone + numbertwo fmt.Println("Result ", rt) } else if operation == "sub" { rt := numberone - numbertwo fmt.Println("Result ", rt) } else if operation == "mul" { rt := numberone * numbertwo fmt.Println("Result ", rt) } else if operation == "sqrt" { rt := math.Sqrt(numberone) fmt.Println("Result ", rt) } else { help() } return nil } # 对 operation 参数进行判断,执行的是那种运算,然后编写相应的运算操作
func CalcByCli(){ app := cli.NewApp() app.Name = "calc with go" app.Usage = "calc tool operate by go" app.Version = "0.1.0" app.Flags = [] cli.Flag { cli.StringFlag{ Name: "operation, o", Value: "add", Usage: "calc operation", }, cli.Float64Flag{ Name: "numberone, n1", Value: 0, Usage: "number one for operation", }, cli.Float64Flag{ Name: "numbertwo, n2", Value: 0, Usage: "number two for operation", }, } app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) error { operation := c.String("operation") numberone := c.Float64("numberone") numbertwo := c.Float64("numbertwo") //fmt.Println(operation, numberone, numbertwo) if operation == "add" { rt := numberone + numbertwo fmt.Println("Result ", rt) } else if operation == "sub" { rt := numberone - numbertwo fmt.Println("Result ", rt) } else if operation == "mul" { rt := numberone * numbertwo fmt.Println("Result ", rt) } else if operation == "sqrt" { rt := math.Sqrt(numberone) fmt.Println("Result ", rt) } else { help() } return nil } app.Run(os.Args) }
./calc -o add --n1 12 --n2 12 Result 24 =================================== ./calc -o sub --n1 100 --n2 200 Result -100 =================================== ./calc -o mul --n1 10 --n2 20 Result 200 =================================== ./calc -o sqrt --n1 2 Result 1.4142135623730951
4 其他
比如网上有许多免费的 API 接口,比如查询天气,查询农历的API 接口。
GO 如何进行 HTTP 访问?内置的 net/http 可以实现
一个简易的GET 操作如下:
func Requests(url string) (string, error) { response, err := http.Get(url) if err != nil { return "", err } defer response.Body.Close() body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body) return string(body), nil }
免费的 API URL 如下:
返回的结果是一个Json 格式的数据
{ "status": 200, "data": { "wendu": "29", "ganmao": "各项气象条件适宜,发生感冒机率较低。但请避免长期处于空调房间中,以防感冒。", "forecast": [ { "fengxiang": "南风", "fengli": "3-4级", "high": "高温 32℃", "type": "多云", "low": "低温 17℃", "date": "16日星期二" }, { "fengxiang": "南风", "fengli": "微风级", "high": "高温 34℃", "type": "晴", "low": "低温 19℃", "date": "17日星期三" }, { "fengxiang": "南风", "fengli": "微风级", "high": "高温 35℃", "type": "晴", "low": "低温 22℃", "date": "18日星期四" }, { "fengxiang": "南风", "fengli": "微风级", "high": "高温 35℃", "type": "多云", "low": "低温 22℃", "date": "19日星期五" }, { "fengxiang": "南风", "fengli": "3-4级", "high": "高温 34℃", "type": "晴", "low": "低温 21℃", "date": "20日星期六" } ], "yesterday": { "fl": "微风", "fx": "南风", "high": "高温 28℃", "type": "晴", "low": "低温 15℃", "date": "15日星期一" }, "aqi": "72", "city": "北京" }, "message": "OK" }
所以我们的任务就是传入 “城市” 的名称,再对返回的 Json 数据解析。
package main import ( "fmt" "os" "encoding/json" "github.com/urfave/cli" "net/http" "io/ioutil" //"github.com/modood/table" ) type Response struct { Status int `json:"status"` CityName string `json:"city"` Data Data `json:"data"` Date string `json:"date"` Message string `json:"message"` Count int `json:"count"` } type Data struct { ShiDu string `json:"shidu"` Quality string `json:"quality"` Ganmao string `json:"ganmao"` Yesterday Day `json:"yesterday"` Forecast []Day `json:"forecast"` } type Day struct { Date string `json:"date"` Sunrise string `json:"sunrise"` High string `json:"high"` Low string `json:"low"` Sunset string `json:"sunset"` Aqi float32 `json:"aqi"` Fx string `json:"fx"` Fl string `json:"fl"` Type string `json:"type"` Notice string `json:"notice"` } func main() { const apiURL = "http://www.sojson.com/open/api/weather/json.shtml?city=" app := cli.NewApp() app.Name = "weather-cli" app.Usage = "天气预报小程序" app.Flags = []cli.Flag{ cli.StringFlag{ Name: "city, c", Value: "上海", Usage: "城市中文名", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "day, d", Value: "今天", Usage: "可选: 今天, 昨天, 预测", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "Author, r", Value: "xiewei", Usage: "Author name", }, } app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) error { city := c.String("city") day := c.String("day") var body, err = Requests(apiURL + city) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("err was %v", err) return nil } var r Response err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), &r) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("\nError message: %v", err) return nil } if r.Status != 200 { fmt.Printf("获取天气API出现错误, %s", r.Message) return nil } Print(day, r) return nil } app.Run(os.Args) } func Print(day string, r Response) { fmt.Println("城市:", r.CityName) if day == "今天" { fmt.Println("湿度:", r.Data.ShiDu) fmt.Println("空气质量:", r.Data.Quality) fmt.Println("温馨提示:", r.Data.Ganmao) } else if day == "昨天" { fmt.Println("日期:", r.Data.Yesterday.Date) fmt.Println("温度:", r.Data.Yesterday.Low, r.Data.Yesterday.High) fmt.Println("风量:", r.Data.Yesterday.Fx, r.Data.Yesterday.Fl) fmt.Println("天气:", r.Data.Yesterday.Type) fmt.Println("温馨提示:", r.Data.Yesterday.Notice) } else if day == "预测" { fmt.Println("====================================") for _, item := range r.Data.Forecast { fmt.Println("日期:", item.Date) fmt.Println("温度:", item.Low, item.High) fmt.Println("风量:", item.Fx, item.Fl) fmt.Println("天气:", item.Type) fmt.Println("温馨提示:", item.Notice) fmt.Println("====================================") } } else { fmt.Println("...") } } func Requests(url string) (string, error) { response, err := http.Get(url) if err != nil { return "", err } defer response.Body.Close() body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body) return string(body), nil }
./weather -c 上海 城市: 上海 湿度: 80% 空气质量: 轻度污染 温馨提示: 儿童、老年人及心脏、呼吸系统疾病患者人群应减少长时间或高强度户外锻炼 ================================ ./weaather -c 上海 -d 昨天 城市: 上海 日期: 28日星期二 温度: 低温 12.0℃ 高温 19.0℃ 风量: 西南风 <3级 天气: 小雨 温馨提示: 雾蒙蒙的雨天,最喜欢一个人听音乐
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Go语言中读取命令参数的几种方法总结》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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