内容简介:PHP 7.1.14, 7.2.2正式发布了。PHP(PHP:Hypertext Preprocessor)是一种在电脑上执行的脚本语言,主要是用途在于处理动态网页,也包含了命令列执行接口(command line interface),或者产生图形使用者接口(G...
PHP 7.1.14, 7.2.2正式发布了。PHP(PHP:Hypertext Preprocessor)是一种在电脑上执行的脚本语言,主要是用途在于处理动态网页,也包含了命令列执行接口(command line interface),或者产生图形使用者接口(GUI)程式。
该版本主要还是修复 bug,改进日志如下:
01 Feb 2018, PHP 7.2.2
- Core:
. Fixed bug #75742 (potential memleak in internal classes's static members). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #75679 (Path 260 character problem). (Anatol)
. Fixed bug #75614 (Some non-portable == in shell scripts). (jdolecek)
. Fixed bug #75786 (segfault when using spread operator on generator passed
by reference). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #75799 (arg of get_defined_functions is optional). (carusogabriel)
. Fixed bug #75396 (Exit inside generator finally results in fatal error). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #75794 (getenv() crashes on Windows 7.2.1 when second parameter is false). (Anatol)
. Fixed bug #75774 (imap_append HeapCorruction). (Anatol)
- Opcache:
. Fixed bug #75720 (File cache not populated after SHM runs full). (Dmitry)
. Fixed bug #75687 (var 8 (TMP) has array key type but not value type). (Nikita, Laruence)
. Fixed bug #75698 (Using @ crashes php7.2-fpm). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #75579 (Interned strings buffer overflow may cause crash). (Dmitry)
- PDO:
. Fixed bug #75616 (PDO extension doesn't allow to be built shared on Darwin). (jdolecek)
. Fixed bug #75615 (PDO Mysql module can't be built as module). (jdolecek)
. Fixed bug #75671 (pg_version() crashes when called on a connection to
cockroach). (magicaltux at gmail dot com)
- Readline:
. Fixed bug #75775 (readline_read_history segfaults with empty file). (Anatol)
. Fixed bug #75735 ([embed SAPI] Segmentation fault in sapi_register_post_entry). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #70469 (SoapClient generates E_ERROR even if exceptions=1 is
used). (Anton Artamonov)
. Fixed bug #75502 (Segmentation fault in zend_string_release). (Nikita)
- SPL:
. Fixed bug #75717 (RecursiveArrayIterator does not traverse arrays by reference). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #75242 (RecursiveArrayIterator doesn't have constants from parent class). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #73209 (RecursiveArrayIterator does not iterate object properties). (Nikita)
- Standard:
. Fixed bug #75781 (substr_count incorrect result). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #75653 (array_values don't work on empty array). (Nikita)
- Zip:
. Display headers (buildtime) and library (runtime) versions in phpinfo(with libzip >= 1.3.1). (Remi)
01 Feb 2018, PHP 7.1.14
- Core:
. Fixed bug #75679 (Path 260 character problem). (Anatol)
. Fixed bug #75786 (segfault when using spread operator on generator passed
by reference). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #75799 (arg of get_defined_functions is optional). (carusogabriel)
. Fixed bug #75396 (Exit inside generator finally results in fatal error). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #75079 (self keyword leads to incorrectly generated TypeError when
in closure in trait). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #75794 (getenv() crashes on Windows 7.2.1 when second parameter is
false). (Anatol)
. Fixed bug #75774 (imap_append HeapCorruction). (Anatol)
- Opcache:
. Fixed bug #75720 (File cache not populated after SHM runs full). (Dmitry)
. Fixed bug #75579 (Interned strings buffer overflow may cause crash). (Dmitry)
. Fixed bug #75671 (pg_version() crashes when called on a connection to
cockroach). (magicaltux at gmail dot com)
- Readline:
. Fixed bug #75775 (readline_read_history segfaults with empty file). (Anatol)
. Fixed bug #75735 ([embed SAPI] Segmentation fault in
sapi_register_post_entry). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #70469 (SoapClient generates E_ERROR even if exceptions=1 is
used). (Anton Artamonov)
. Fixed bug #75502 (Segmentation fault in zend_string_release). (Nikita)
- SPL:
. Fixed bug #75717 (RecursiveArrayIterator does not traverse arrays by reference). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #75242 (RecursiveArrayIterator doesn't have constants from parent class). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #73209 (RecursiveArrayIterator does not iterate object properties). (Nikita)
- Standard:
. Fixed bug #75781 (substr_count incorrect result). (Laruence)
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
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