Canonical 和 Ubuntu 社区今天宣布 Ubuntu 22.04 LTS “Jammy Jellyfish”的 Beta 版本,正式版计划将于 4 月 21 日发布。此外,Ubuntu / Ubuntu Server / Ubuntu Cloud 以及Kubuntu、Lubuntu、Ubuntu Budgie、UbuntuKylin、Ubuntu MATE、Ubuntu Studio 和 Xubuntu 等风味版本也同步发布。
与 Ubuntu 21.10 相比,Ubuntu 22.04 Beta 拉来了许多软件包更新,包括一些 GNOME 42 组件,现在默认使用 GNOME 的 Wayland 会话和 NVIDIA 的驱动程序,包括 GNOME 三重缓冲补丁,用于内存外处理的 systemd-oomd 集成,让部分伙伴档案退休,调整其POWER支持基线,以及许多其他更新。
在内核方面,由于 Long Term Support (LTS) 支持状态,该版本使用 Linux 5.15。这有点不幸,因为Linux 5.17已经很稳定了,而且在5.16~5.17之间有大量的改进,其中大部分没有回传到Jammy的5.15内核构建。
如果从 Ubuntu 21.10 或者 Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 升级到 Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Beta,可以参考以下步骤:
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Beta 镜像下载地址:
http://releases.ubuntu.com/22.04/ (Ubuntu and Ubuntu Server on x86)
http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/daily/server/jammy/current/ (Cloud Images)
http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/22.04/beta/ (Non-x86)
http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/22.04/ (Netboot)
Kubuntu is the KDE based flavour of Ubuntu. It uses the Plasma desktop and includes a wide selection of tools from the KDE project.
The Beta images can be downloaded at:
Lubuntu is a flavor of Ubuntu which uses the Lightweight Qt Desktop Environment (LXQt). The project’s goal is to provide a lightweight yet functional Linux distribution based on a rock-solid Ubuntu base.
The Beta images can be downloaded at:
Ubuntu Budgie:
Ubuntu Budgie is a community developed desktop, integrating Budgie Desktop Environment with Ubuntu at its core.
The Beta images can be downloaded at:
UbuntuKylin is a flavor of Ubuntu that is more suitable for Chinese users.
The Beta images can be downloaded at:
Ubuntu MATE:
Ubuntu MATE is a flavor of Ubuntu featuring the MATE desktop environment.
The Beta images can be downloaded at:
Ubuntu Studio:
Ubuntu Studio is a flavor of Ubuntu that provides a full range of multimedia content creation applications for each key workflow: audio,graphics, video, photography and publishing.
The Beta images can be downloaded at:
Xubuntu is a flavor of Ubuntu that comes with Xfce, which is a stable,light and configurable desktop environment.
The Beta images can be downloaded at:
Ubuntu 的常规镜像以及所有风味版本都可以在以下链接中找到:
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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