内容简介:OpenMLDB Summary 本周合并 Pull requests 8个,新增Pull requests 5个,关闭 Issues 11个,新增 Issues 20个。总计84个文件修改,新增6677行代码,删除511行代码。 Merged Pull Requests feat: support spark.m...
本周合并 Pull requests 8个,新增Pull requests 5个,关闭 Issues 11个,新增 Issues 20个。总计84个文件修改,新增6677行代码,删除511行代码。
Merged Pull Requests
- feat: support spark.master config to run job in yarn or local#466
- feat: read openmldb git properties and set in return string#464
- feat: enable `TestWindowUnion` test#467
- feat: bump snakeyaml from 1.17 to 1.26 in /test/batch-test/openmldb-batch-test#416
- feat: add openmldb jmh#367
- test: modify cicd#465
- feat: add src test cicd#452
- fix: fix a bug when turn on window parallelization and skew optimization#438
Open Pull Requests
- Fix import error of OpenMLDB Python lib when installed as zip format#439
- fix: remove dup apply pass on the same physical op.#453
- feat: ddlparser extracts indexes from sql#457
- build: add deployment script#469
- style: update hybridse header guard style#470
Close Issues
- Support Spark local jobs in TaskManager for local OpenMLDB setup#456
- Return the openmldb version string for Batch#463
- Enable the unit test of TestWindowUnion#339
- 创建索引,ttl_type=test,创建成功,期望返回错误信息#162
- Deploy all-in-one java package#84
- move demo to main repo#120
- 创建absorlat类型的索引,desc展示不出来#163
- scripts: package java sdk set cmake type to release#371
- feat: support insert multiple rows into a table using a single SQL insert statement.#398
- Fix enable WindowSkewOpt and WindowComputeParallelOpt at the same time#444
- add more status badges to README#313
Open Issues
- Support passing multiple databases for parsing each SQL statement#468
- Set index if there is no index info in create statement#462
- Update catalog in stand alone mode#461
- Recover metadata when nameserver restart in stand alone mode#459
- Store metadata in system table#458
- Support `SELECT INTO OUTFILE` syntax#455
- ci: pre-build macos pkg needs to select sdk#454
- Support querying data from Trino in oenmldb CLI#451
- Add SHOW JOBS command for CLI and TaskManager#450
- Support generating and storing job id for TaskManager#449
- Integrate the ability of SQL analysis by trino in CLI#448
- Add `DEPLOY` command#447
- Write the result of select sql into file#446
- Support `SET` syntax#445
- Add `import` command#443
- Support `engine` option in `create` statement#442
- Use nameserver ip and port to connect openmldb#441
- Support stand-alone mode#440
- Fail query window+lastjoin when turn on `enable_batch_window_parallelization`#437
- aceforeverd (teapot@aceforeverd.com)
- Chen22 (jingchen2222@gmail.com)
- Kanekanekane (1290561498@qq.com)
- Stark (hujinlei1999@qq.com)
- tobe (tobeg3oogle@gmail.com)
- wuyou10206 (zw1020688@163.com)
本周在特性开发、缺陷修复、性能测试、CICD集成方案都有进一步完善。功能上在TaskManager上支持了单机批处理模式,Bug方案修复Git版本信息展示、批模式同时运行窗口倾斜优化以及窗口并行优化的问题,性能测试方面集成了openmldb-jmh模块加强对 Java 模块的性能回归测试,CICD集成方面加入了基于源码分支的SRC测试和基于特定版本的PKG测试,包含数千个case的大规模集成测试也可以在Github中手动出发运行。本周新增Issue较多,侧重于高性能单机版的重新设计和实现,对高性能数据库优化感兴趣的也可以关注一下。
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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