内容简介:跨flask app使用url_for
用flask的肯定知道url_for,解放了记住url的繁琐。前阵子因为flask臭名昭著的 servername问题彻底拆分了应用程序,在解决了大部分引用和重用后发现应用间导航也是个问题,写硬url显然不科学。这里祭出几大法宝用来解决这个问题:
- 中间件Dispatcher,也可以使用werkzeug.wsgi 的 DispatcherMiddleware,中间件的设计理念真是扩展所必须的呀;
- with nebapp.app_context,没错在每个应用程序中创建邻居app后可以使用它的上下文即可用url_for了;
- 实际使用会有报错,这里需要mock一个request,这里flask准备好了app.test_request_context;
class Dispatcher: """ Allows one to mount middlewares or applications in a WSGI application. This is useful if you want to combine multiple WSGI applications:: app = DispatcherMiddleware(app, { '/app2': app2, '/app3': app3 }) """ def __init__(self, app, mounts=None): self.app = app self.mounts = mounts or {} self.url_for_resolver = URLForResolver( self.mounts ) self.app.dispatcher = self def __call__(self, environ, start_response): script = environ.get('PATH_INFO', '') path_info = '' while '/' in script: if script in self.mounts: app = self.mounts[script] break script, last_item = script.rsplit('/', 1) path_info = '/%s%s' % (last_item, path_info) else: app = self.mounts.get(script, self.app) original_script_name = environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '') environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = original_script_name + script # Convert empty path info values to a forward slash '/' environ['PATH_INFO'] = path_info or '/' return app(environ, start_response) class URLForResolver: """ A URL resolver that provides resolution of `url_for` across multiple apps. """ def __init__(self, mounts): self.mounts=mounts self.apps = list(mounts.values()) self.cache = {} for app in self.apps: app.url_build_error_handlers.append(self) def __call__(self, endpoint, **values): """Attempt to resolve a URL any of the registered apps""" error = Exception('can not find endpoint for %s' % endpoint) parts=endpoint.split('.') path=parts.pop() if len(parts)>1: path='%s.%s'%(parts[1],path) app_name=None if len(parts)>0: app_name=parts[0] # Check if we have a cached look up if endpoint in self.cache: app = self.cache[endpoint] if app: with app.app_context(), app.test_request_context(): ret_path= url_for(path, **values) if ':5000' in ret_path: ret_path=ret_path.replace(':5000','') return ret_path else: raise error if app_name: app = self.mounts[app_name] self.cache[endpoint] = app return self(endpoint, **values) # Attempt to find an app with the registered endpoint for app in self.apps: for rule in app.url_map.iter_rules(): if rule.endpoint == path: # Found - cache the result and call self to return the URL self.cache[endpoint] = app return self(endpoint, **values) # Not found - cache the result and re-raise the error self.cache[endpoint] = None raise error
#初始化 init_apps() apps = create_apps() del apps['/passport'] dispatcher = Dispatcher(passport, mounts=apps) #调用 current_app.dispatcher.url_for_resolver('/appname.blueprint_name.page_name',_external=True))
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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