SwooleWorker 长连接开发框架 V1.0.9 发布

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 3年前

内容简介:_____ _ __ __ _ / ____| | | \ \ / / | | ® | (_____ _____ ___ | | __\ \ /\ / /__ _ __| | _____ _ __ \___...
  _____                    _   __          __        _
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| (_____      _____   ___ | | __\ \  /\  / /__  _ __| | _____ _ __
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 ____) \ V  V / (_) | (_) | |  __/\  /\  / (_) | |  |   <  __/ |
|_____/ \_/\_/ \___/ \___/|_|\___| \/  \/ \___/|_|  |_|\_\___|_|

SwooleWorker is a distributed long connection
development framework based on Swoole4.

[HomePage] https://swoole.plus

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SwooleWorker 长连接开发框架 V1.0.9 发布


接口 参数 返回值
sendToClient string $client, string $message  
sendToUid string $uid, string $message, array $without_client_list = []  
sendToGroup string $group, string $message, array $without_client_list = []  
sendToAll string $message, array $without_client_list = []  
isOnline string $client  
isUidOnline string $uid bool
getClientListByGroup string $group, string $prev_client = null iterable
getClientCount   int
getClientCountByGroup string $group int
getClientList string $prev_client = null iterable
getClientListByUid string $uid, string $prev_client = null iterable
getClientInfo string $client, int $type = 255 array
getUidListByGroup string $group, bool $unique = true iterable
getUidList bool $unique = true iterable
getUidCount float $unique_percent = null int
getGroupList bool $unique = true iterable
getUidCountByGroup string $group int
closeClient string $client, bool $force = false  
bindUid string $client, string $uid  
unBindUid string $client  
joinGroup string $client, string $group  
leaveGroup string $client, string $group  
unGroup string $group  
setSession string $client, array $session  
updateSession string $client, array $session  
deleteSession string $client  
getSession string $client ?array

更新日志 V1.0.9

  • 可开启或关闭限流服务
  • 限流服务由针对fd变更为针对ip

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Effective Objective-C 2.0

Effective Objective-C 2.0

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