内容简介:本次Kornia 的更新中,主要增加对Canny的支持以及新增了多种图像处理容器(例如,视频容器,图像增广容器)。 例如对于数据增广中的各种常见格式(mask, bbox, keypoints),以及图像变换的inverse: aug_list...
本次Kornia 的更新中,主要增加对Canny的支持以及新增了多种图像处理容器(例如,视频容器,图像增广容器)。
例如对于数据增广中的各种常见格式(mask, bbox, keypoints),以及图像变换的inverse:
aug_list = AugmentationSequential(
K.ColorJitter(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, p=1.0),
K.RandomAffine(360, [0.1, 0.1], [0.7, 1.2], [30., 50.], p=1.0),
K.RandomPerspective(0.5, p=1.0),
data_keys=["input", "bbox", "keypoints", "mask"], # Just to define the future input here.
# forward the operation
out_tensors = aug_list(img_tensor, bbox, keypoints, mask)
# Inverse the operation
out_tensor_inv = aug_list.inverse(*out_tensor)
[0.5.4] - 2021-06-11
- Add Canny edge detection (#1020)
- Added Batched forward function (#1058)
- Added denormalize homography function (#1061)
- Added more augmentations containers (#1014)
- Added calibration module and Undistort 2D points function (#1026)
- Added patch augmentation container (#1095)
- Remove lena (#1059) :)
- Resize regardless of number of dims, considering the last two dims as image (#1047)
- Raise error if converting to unit8 image to gray with float weights (#1057)
- Filter 2D->2d, 3D->3d (#1069)
- Removed augmentation functional module. (#1067)
- Make Morphology compatible with both OpenCV and Scipy (#1084)
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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