内容简介:Deno 1.10 已正式发布,此版本包含许多新功能、性能优化以及错误修复。 改进内置的 test runner 在 Web Workers 中支持结构化克隆 (structured clone) 新增 Web Storage API 支持远程导入映射 (maps) 如果已经安装...
Deno 1.10 已正式发布,此版本包含许多新功能、性能优化以及错误修复。
如果已经安装了 Deno,运行deno upgrade
命令即可升级到 1.10 版本。如果是首次安装,可以参考下面的方法:
# Using Shell (macOS and Linux):
curl -fsSL https://deno.land/x/install/install.sh | sh
# Using PowerShell (Windows):
iwr https://deno.land/x/install/install.ps1 -useb | iex
# Using Homebrew (macOS):
brew install deno
# Using Scoop (Windows):
scoop install deno
# Using Chocolatey (Windows):
choco install deno
改进内置的 test runner
Deno 1.10 对内置的 test runner 进行了重大改进。
- 支持隔离和并行执行测试
- 支持为测试用例指定可配置的确切权限
name: "write only",
permissions: { write: true, read: false },
async fn() {
await Deno.writeTextFile("./foo.txt", "I can write!");
console.log(await Deno.readTextFile("./foo.txt"));
$ deno test --allow-read --allow-write --unstable test_permissions.ts
Check file:///Users/ry/src/deno/test_permissions.ts
running 1 test from file:///Users/ry/src/deno/test_permissions.ts
test write only ... FAILED (5ms)
write only
PermissionDenied: Requires read access to "./foo.txt", run again with the --allow-read flag
at deno:core/core.js:86:46
at unwrapOpResult (deno:core/core.js:106:13)
at async open (deno:runtime/js/40_files.js:46:17)
at async Object.readTextFile (deno:runtime/js/40_read_file.js:40:18)
at async fn (file:///Users/ry/src/deno/test_permissions.ts:6:17)
at async asyncOpSanitizer (deno:runtime/js/40_testing.js:21:9)
at async resourceSanitizer (deno:runtime/js/40_testing.js:58:7)
at async exitSanitizer (deno:runtime/js/40_testing.js:85:9)
at async runTest (deno:runtime/js/40_testing.js:199:7)
at async Object.runTests (deno:runtime/js/40_testing.js:244:7)
write only
test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out (37ms)
- 更好地展示 test runner 输出内容
running 4 tests from file:///dev/deno/cli/tests/unit/tty_test.ts
test consoleSizeFile ... ok (11ms)
test consoleSizeError ... ok (4ms)
test isatty ... ok (4ms)
test isattyError ... ok (3ms)
running 6 tests from file:///dev/deno/cli/tests/unit/rename_test.ts
test renameSyncSuccess ... ok (17ms)
test renameSyncReadPerm ... ok (5ms)
test renameSyncWritePerm ... ok (6ms)
test renameSuccess ... ok (13ms)
test renameSyncErrorsUnix ... ok (34ms)
test renameSyncErrorsWin ... ignored (1ms)
- 支持运行测试时监视文件更改
- 支持在文档中进行类型检测
* ```
* import { example } from "./test_docs.ts";
* console.assert(example() == 42);
* ```
export function example(): string {
return "example";
$ deno test --doc https://deno.com/v1.10/test_docs.ts
Check file:///dev/test_docs.ts:2-7
error: TS2367 [ERROR]: This condition will always return 'false' since the types 'string' and 'number' have no overlap.
console.assert(example() == 42);
at file:///dev/test_docs.ts:2-7.ts:3:16
新增 Web Storage API
此版本增加了对 Web Storage API 的支持。该 API 由localStorage
该 API 的工作方式与在浏览器中一样:localStorage
可用于在流程重新启动时永久存储多达 5MB 的数据,而 sessionStorage
// kv.ts
const key = Deno.args[0];
if (key === undefined) {
// if user passes no args, display number of entries
} else {
const value = Deno.args[1];
if (value === undefined) {
// if no value is specified, return value of the key
} else {
// if value is specifed, set the value
localStorage.setItem(key, value);
$ deno run --location https://example.com ./kv.ts
$ deno run --location https://example.com ./kv.ts foo bar
$ deno run --location https://example.com ./kv.ts foo
$ deno run --location https://example.com ./kv.ts
支持远程导入映射 (maps)
Deno 1.8 中导入映射功能已稳定,到了 Deno 1.10,目前已启用远程导入映射功能。这意味着导入映射现在不必存储在本地文件系统上,它们也可以通过 HTTP 进行加载:
$ deno install --import-map=https://example.com/import_map.json -n example https://example.com/mod.ts
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
Ivor Horton / 郭小虎、程聪 / 2017-1
《C++标准模板库编程实战》介绍最新的C++14标准的API、库和扩展,以及如何将它们运用到C++14程序中。在书中,作者Ivor Horton 则阐述了什么是STL,以及如何将它们应用到程序中。我们将学习如何使用容器、迭代器,以及如何定义、创建和应用算法。此外,还将学习函数对象和适配器,以及它们的用法。 阅读完本书之后,你将能够了解如何扩展STL,如何定义自定义类型的C++组件,你还将能够......一起来看看 《C++标准模板库编程实战》 这本书的介绍吧!