Nginx Buffer 机制引发的下载故障

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 3年前 · 33

前几天,接到研发同事反馈,内网通过 Nginx 代理下载 OSS 的大文件时,老是会断,而在服务器上下载时却很正常,非常奇怪。原本以为可能和 VPN 有关,经确认排除嫌疑。彷徨了许...



Computational Geometry

Computational Geometry

Mark de Berg、Otfried Cheong、Marc van Kreveld、Mark Overmars / Springer / 2008-4-16 / USD 49.95

This well-accepted introduction to computational geometry is a textbook for high-level undergraduate and low-level graduate courses. The focus is on algorithms and hence the book is well suited for st......一起来看看 《Computational Geometry》 这本书的介绍吧!

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