with <context_manager_object> [as <variable>]: with-block
上下文管理器,本质上是使用with语句来简化try/finally模式。它可以保证,即使在出错的情况下,也可以执行 某些诸如释放数据库连接等 清理语句。
实现了__enter__(self)和__exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback)这两个方法的对象,就支持上下文管理。当进入with语句块时,会执行上下文管理器对象的__enter__方法,并且把__enter__方法的返回值作为as子句后面的变量的值;当离开with语句块的时候,会执行上下文管理器对象的__exit__方法,并把with语句块中抛出的异常信息作为__exit__方法的参数。
[root@iZj6chejzrsqpclb7miryaZ ~]# cat test.py import time class TimeUsed: def __init__(self): self._start_time = None self._end_time = None def __enter__(self): self._start_time = time.time() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self._end_time = time.time() print "time used: %ss" % (self._end_time - self._start_time) if __name__ == "__main__": def func(n): time.sleep(n) with TimeUsed(): func(2) with TimeUsed(): func(1) [root@iZj6chejzrsqpclb7miryaZ ~]# python test.py time used: 2.00210905075s time used: 1.00110411644s
当进入with语句块的时候,会调用生成器对象的next方法,并把yield传递出的值,作为as子句后面的变量的值;当离开with语句块的时候,会调用生成器对象的next或throw方法(当with语句块出异常时,会调用生成器对象的throw方法,此时,可以 在生成器中对异常进行处理 ,不做任何异常处理的话,会重新抛出异常)。
[root@iZj6chejzrsqpclb7miryaZ ~]# cat test.py from contextlib import contextmanager import time @contextmanager def time_used(): start = time.time() try: yield finally: end = time.time() print "time used: %s" % (end - start) if __name__ == "__main__": def func(n, will_raise=False): time.sleep(n) if will_raise: raise RuntimeError("in func") with time_used(): func(2) with time_used(): func(1, True) [root@iZj6chejzrsqpclb7miryaZ ~]# python test.py time used: 2.00210595131 time used: 1.00112104416 Traceback (most recent call last): File "test.py", line 25, in <module> func(1, True) File "test.py", line 19, in func raise RuntimeError("in func") RuntimeError: in func </module>
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