内容简介:Zabbix 3.4.6 已发布,发布主页显示该版本没有新增的特性和改进,主要是对自 Zabbix 3.4.x 以来已知的 bug 进行了修复。具体如下: [ZBX-13276] fixed compatibility issue with Elasticsearch versions starting...
Zabbix 3.4.6 已发布,发布主页显示该版本没有新增的特性和改进,主要是对自 Zabbix 3.4.x 以来已知的 bug 进行了修复。具体如下:
[ZBX-13276] fixed compatibility issue with Elasticsearch versions starting from 6.0
[ZBX-12389] fixed latest data host group filter
[ZBX-13119] removed 'empty' button in trigger selection window for map constructor item modal form
[ZBX-12661] fixed Low-level discovery of dependent items not working after being edited and resulting in undefined offset error or foreign key constraint violation
[ZBX-13254] fixed 'skip' parameter behaviour for log[], log.count[], logrt[], logrt.count[] items in case log files initially do not exist
[ZBX-13253] fixed losing the 1st record by log[] and logrt[] items if 'skip' parameter is used and log file initially is empty
[ZBX-13275] fixed slow housekeeping of events on MySQL
[ZBX-13245] fixed IP fragmentation handling in Zabbix server response to Zabbix proxy
[ZBX-13031] fixed Java gateway compilation without libpcre
[ZBX-12991] removed default values for "active_since" and "active_till" fields in maintenance.create API method
[ZBX-13270] fixed default selection of the required host permissions radio in the global gcripts form
[ZBX-12758] fixed slow housekeeping of events due to missing index on foreign key
[ZBX-11305] fixed color and label for event status on event details page
[ZBX-13238] fixed spelling of Elasticsearch
[ZBX-13241] fixed memory leak on Zabbix server when executing remote commands through proxy
[ZBX-13178] fixed ipc_path value in error message
Zabbix 是一个基于 Web 界面的提供分布式系统监视以及网络监视功能的企业级开源解决方案。
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董轶群、曹正凤、赵仁乾、王安 / 电子工业出版社 / 2017-7 / 59.00
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