Go 语言开发工具 LiteIDE X37.3 发布

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:LiteIDE X37.3 正式发布,这个版本为 BUG 修复版本。更新 gotools 和 gocode 以更好支持 GOMOD,修复了 delve 退出错误,新增了 win64 mingw 编译版本下载。 ### 2020.10.10 Ver X37.3 * LiteIDE * fix d...

LiteIDE X37.3 正式发布,这个版本为 BUG 修复版本。更新 gotools 和 gocode 以更好支持 GOMOD,修复了 delve 退出错误,新增了 win64 mingw 编译版本下载。

### 2020.10.10 Ver X37.3
* LiteIDE
    * fix dlv debug exit crash on window
    * support mingw-64 build for window
* LiteApp
    * update icon for hight-dpi
* LiteBuild:
    * gosrc.xml add tool cover html command
    * gosrc.xml add make command
* LiteEditor:
    * add dark-gray.xml color scheme, thanks for qAison
    * fix showlink tooltip bug for Qt5.12
* GolangEdit:
    * add find usages skip tests action
* Terminal:
    * fix winpty load for Q_OS_WIN64
    * add closeall action
* DlvDebugger
    * fix exit crash on window
    * fix handle response regexp
* gotools & gocode
    * update fastmod for go1.14 GOMOD
* gotools
    * types add skip tests flag

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The Linux Command Line

The Linux Command Line

William E. Shotts Jr. / No Starch Press, Incorporated / 2012-1-17 / USD 39.95

You've experienced the shiny, point-and-click surface of your Linux computer-now dive below and explore its depths with the power of the command line. The Linux Command Line takes you from your very ......一起来看看 《The Linux Command Line》 这本书的介绍吧!

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