Go 语言学习之 interface

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前 · 35

01 概念接口是一种抽象类型,它仅提供一组方法,是多个方法声明的集合。在 Go 语言中,实现接口很简洁,不需要显式声明。02 实现接口如果一个具体类型要实现接口,那么必须实现接口...



Machine Learning in Action

Machine Learning in Action

Peter Harrington / Manning Publications / 2012-4-19 / GBP 29.99

It's been said that data is the new "dirt"—the raw material from which and on which you build the structures of the modern world. And like dirt, data can seem like a limitless, undifferentiated mass. ......一起来看看 《Machine Learning in Action》 这本书的介绍吧!



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