列名不一定要相同,只要你在HH中列出要插入列的列表跟select from mm表中的选择的列的列表一一对应就可以了,当然两边的数据类型应该是兼容的。
insert into hh (fielda,fieldb,fieldc) select fieldx,fieldy,fieldz from mm
insert into MetricPoints (MeterID,MetricPointName,[Description],DepartmentID,MediumID)
(SELECT m.MeterID,m.MetricItems+m.InstallPlace as m_MetricPointName,m.MetricItems,m.DepartmentID,m.MediumID
FROM Meters m WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM MetricPoints WHERE MetricPoints.MeterID = m.MeterID ) and m.MediumID =2)
声名:a,b ,都是表
insert into b select * from a
insert into b(col1,col2,col3,col4,...) select col1,col2,col3,col4,... from a where...
select * into b from a
select (字段1,字段2,...) into b from a
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Realm of Racket
Matthias Felleisen、Conrad Barski M.D.、David Van Horn、Eight Students Northeastern University of / No Starch Press / 2013-6-25 / USD 39.95
Racket is the noble descendant of Lisp, a programming language renowned for its elegance and power. But while Racket retains the functional goodness of Lisp that makes programming purists drool, it wa......一起来看看 《Realm of Racket》 这本书的介绍吧!