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头文件基本上和 eosio.token 一样,唯一需要留意的是多了一个 claim 函数。 这个 claim 函数也是一个回调函数,是在调用 eosio.token::transfer 调用的时候才被触发。
#pragma once #include <eosio/asset.hpp> #include <eosio/eosio.hpp> #include <string> namespace eosiosystem { class system_contract; } namespace eosio { using std::string; class [[eosio::contract("token")]] token : public contract { public: using contract::contract; [[eosio::action]] void create( const name& issuer, const asset& maximum_supply); [[eosio::action]] void issue( const name& to, const asset& quantity, const string& memo ); [[eosio::action]] void retire( const asset& quantity, const string& memo ); [[eosio::action]] void transfer( const name& from, const name& to, const asset& quantity, const string& memo ); [[eosio::action]] void open( const name& owner, const symbol& symbol, const name& ram_payer ); [[eosio::action]] void close( const name& owner, const symbol& symbol ); [[eosio::on_notify("eosio.token::transfer")]] void claim(name from, name to, eosio::asset quantity, std::string memo); static asset get_supply( const name& token_contract_account, const symbol_code& sym_code ) { stats statstable( token_contract_account, sym_code.raw() ); const auto& st = statstable.get( sym_code.raw() ); return st.supply; } static asset get_balance( const name& token_contract_account, const name& owner, const symbol_code& sym_code ) { accounts accountstable( token_contract_account, owner.value ); const auto& ac = accountstable.get( sym_code.raw() ); return ac.balance; } using create_action = eosio::action_wrapper<"create"_n, &token::create>; using issue_action = eosio::action_wrapper<"issue"_n, &token::issue>; using retire_action = eosio::action_wrapper<"retire"_n, &token::retire>; using transfer_action = eosio::action_wrapper<"transfer"_n, &token::transfer>; using open_action = eosio::action_wrapper<"open"_n, &token::open>; using close_action = eosio::action_wrapper<"close"_n, &token::close>; private: struct [[eosio::table]] account { asset balance; uint64_t primary_key()const { return balance.symbol.code().raw(); } }; struct [[eosio::table]] currency_stats { asset supply; asset max_supply; name issuer; uint64_t primary_key()const { return supply.symbol.code().raw(); } }; typedef eosio::multi_index< "accounts"_n, account > accounts; typedef eosio::multi_index< "stat"_n, currency_stats > stats; void sub_balance( const name& owner, const asset& value ); void add_balance( const name& owner, const asset& value, const name& ram_payer ); }; }
#include "token.hpp" #include <eosio/system.hpp> namespace eosio { // 和 eosio.token 一样,略过。 void token::create( const name& issuer, const asset& maximum_supply ) { require_auth( get_self() ); auto sym = maximum_supply.symbol; check( sym.is_valid(), "invalid symbol name" ); check( maximum_supply.is_valid(), "invalid supply"); check( maximum_supply.amount > 0, "max-supply must be positive"); stats statstable( get_self(), sym.code().raw() ); auto existing = statstable.find( sym.code().raw() ); check( existing == statstable.end(), "token with symbol already exists" ); statstable.emplace( get_self(), [&]( auto& s ) { s.supply.symbol = maximum_supply.symbol; s.max_supply = maximum_supply; s.issuer = issuer; }); } // 和 eosio.token 一样,略过。 void token::issue( const name& to, const asset& quantity, const string& memo ) { auto sym = quantity.symbol; check( sym.is_valid(), "invalid symbol name" ); check( memo.size() <= 256, "memo has more than 256 bytes" ); stats statstable( get_self(), sym.code().raw() ); auto existing = statstable.find( sym.code().raw() ); check( existing != statstable.end(), "token with symbol does not exist, create token before issue" ); const auto& st = *existing; check( to == st.issuer, "tokens can only be issued to issuer account" ); require_auth( st.issuer ); check( quantity.is_valid(), "invalid quantity" ); check( quantity.amount > 0, "must issue positive quantity" ); check( quantity.symbol == st.supply.symbol, "symbol precision mismatch" ); check( quantity.amount <= st.max_supply.amount - st.supply.amount, "quantity exceeds available supply"); statstable.modify( st, same_payer, [&]( auto& s ) { s.supply += quantity; }); add_balance( st.issuer, quantity, st.issuer ); } // 和 eosio.token 一样,略过。 void token::retire( const asset& quantity, const string& memo ) { auto sym = quantity.symbol; check( sym.is_valid(), "invalid symbol name" ); check( memo.size() <= 256, "memo has more than 256 bytes" ); stats statstable( get_self(), sym.code().raw() ); auto existing = statstable.find( sym.code().raw() ); check( existing != statstable.end(), "token with symbol does not exist" ); const auto& st = *existing; require_auth( st.issuer ); check( quantity.is_valid(), "invalid quantity" ); check( quantity.amount > 0, "must retire positive quantity" ); check( quantity.symbol == st.supply.symbol, "symbol precision mismatch" ); statstable.modify( st, same_payer, [&]( auto& s ) { s.supply -= quantity; }); sub_balance( st.issuer, quantity ); } // 和 eosio.token 一样,略过。 void token::transfer( const name& from, const name& to, const asset& quantity, const string& memo ) { check( from != to, "cannot transfer to self" ); require_auth( from ); check( is_account( to ), "to account does not exist"); auto sym = quantity.symbol.code(); stats statstable( get_self(), sym.raw() ); const auto& st = statstable.get( sym.raw() ); require_recipient( from ); require_recipient( to ); check( quantity.is_valid(), "invalid quantity" ); check( quantity.amount > 0, "must transfer positive quantity" ); check( quantity.symbol == st.supply.symbol, "symbol precision mismatch" ); check( memo.size() <= 256, "memo has more than 256 bytes" ); auto payer = has_auth( to ) ? to : from; sub_balance( from, quantity ); add_balance( to, quantity, payer ); } // 和 eosio.token 一样,略过。 void token::sub_balance( const name& owner, const asset& value ) { accounts from_acnts( get_self(), owner.value ); const auto& from = from_acnts.get( value.symbol.code().raw(), "no balance object found" ); check( from.balance.amount >= value.amount, "overdrawn balance" ); from_acnts.modify( from, owner, [&]( auto& a ) { a.balance -= value; }); } // 和 eosio.token 一样,略过。 void token::add_balance( const name& owner, const asset& value, const name& ram_payer ) { accounts to_acnts( get_self(), owner.value ); auto to = to_acnts.find( value.symbol.code().raw() ); if( to == to_acnts.end() ) { to_acnts.emplace( ram_payer, [&]( auto& a ){ a.balance = value; }); } else { to_acnts.modify( to, same_payer, [&]( auto& a ) { a.balance += value; }); } } // 和 eosio.token 一样,略过。 void token::open( const name& owner, const symbol& symbol, const name& ram_payer ) { require_auth( ram_payer ); check( is_account( owner ), "owner account does not exist" ); auto sym_code_raw = symbol.code().raw(); stats statstable( get_self(), sym_code_raw ); const auto& st = statstable.get( sym_code_raw, "symbol does not exist" ); check( st.supply.symbol == symbol, "symbol precision mismatch" ); accounts acnts( get_self(), owner.value ); auto it = acnts.find( sym_code_raw ); if( it == acnts.end() ) { acnts.emplace( ram_payer, [&]( auto& a ){ a.balance = asset{0, symbol}; }); } } // 和 eosio.token 一样,略过。 void token::close( const name& owner, const symbol& symbol ) { require_auth( owner ); accounts acnts( get_self(), owner.value ); auto it = acnts.find( symbol.code().raw() ); check( it != acnts.end(), "Balance row already deleted or never existed. Action won't have any effect." ); check( it->balance.amount == 0, "Cannot close because the balance is not zero." ); acnts.erase( it ); } // 这个是这个合约的核心,需要细品。 void token::claim(name from, name to, eosio::asset quantity, std::string memo) { // 检查,确保此次调用的触发是因为其他账号的转账转入本账号 if (to != get_self() || from == get_self()) return; // 把别人转来的代币转回去,就是这么潇洒。 action{ permission_level{get_self(), "active"_n}, "eosio.token"_n, "transfer"_n, std::make_tuple(get_self(), from, quantity, std::string("Refund EOS")) }.send(); int elapsed = current_time_point().sec_since_epoch(); // 1572595200 = Nov 1 08:00:00 UTC 2019 // 也就是检查当前时间是否已经到了 Nov 1 08:00:00 UTC 2019 // 只有到了时间,这个合约的以下环节才能生效。 if (elapsed > 1572595200) { // 获取当前 EIDOS 的流通量 asset supply = eosio::token::get_supply(get_self(), symbol_code("EIDOS")); int64_t expected = (elapsed - 1572595200) * 25; asset balance = eosio::token::get_balance(get_self(), get_self(), symbol_code("EIDOS")); if (expected > 1000000000) expected = 1000000000; asset expected_supply = asset(expected, symbol("EIDOS", 4)); expected_supply *= 10000; if (supply < expected_supply){ asset claim = expected_supply-supply; action{ permission_level{get_self(), "active"_n}, get_self(), "issue"_n, std::make_tuple(get_self(), claim, std::string("Issue EIDOS")) }.send(); balance += claim; claim = claim / 5; action{ permission_level{get_self(), "active"_n}, get_self(), "transfer"_n, std::make_tuple(get_self(), "eidosoneteam"_n, claim, std::string("Send to EIDOS Team.")) }.send(); balance -= claim; } if (balance > asset(0, symbol("EIDOS", 4))) { if (balance <= asset(10000, symbol("EIDOS", 4))) balance = asset(1, symbol("EIDOS", 4)); else balance /= 10000; action{ permission_level{get_self(), "active"_n}, get_self(), "transfer"_n, std::make_tuple(get_self(), from, balance, std::string("Airdrop EIDOS")) }.send(); } } } }
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