– schemas for all commonly known JSON file formats

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:The API exposes metadata about each schema in the following format:

Public API – schemas for all commonly known JSON file formats The JSONAPI contains a list of JSON Schema files for known JSON file formats. Each schema file can be used in tooling such as command line validators, editor auto-completion etc.

The API exposes metadata about each schema in the following format:

  "name": "bower.json",
  "description": "Bower package description file",
  "fileMatch": [ "bower.json", ".bower.json" ],
  "url": ""

name , description and url are all required properties.

The url property is an absolute URI pointing to the schema. It can be hosted anywhere on the web.

The fileMatch property is for specifying what known file names corresponds with the schema. This property is optional since not all JSON formats enforce a specific file name.

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