UnnaturalScrollWheels – Better scroll wheel settings for macOS

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Invert scroll direction for physical scroll wheels while maintaining "Natural" scrolling for trackpads on MacOS.


UnnaturalScrollWheels – Better scroll wheel settings for macOS

Invert scroll direction for physical scroll wheels while maintaining "Natural" scrolling for trackpads on MacOS.

UnnaturalScrollWheels – Better scroll wheel settings for macOS

Why? What does it do?

For some reason in macOS, toggling the "Scroll direction: Natural" option in Mouse settings also changes it in Trackpad settings despite being in separate places.

UnnaturalScrollWheels – Better scroll wheel settings for macOS UnnaturalScrollWheels – Better scroll wheel settings for macOS

This application makes it so that scroll direction for physical scroll wheels is the opposite of what is shown in settings without messing with the scroll direction of the trackpad.

The issue is described here:


Unfortunately most/all solutions no longer work reliably if at all in Catalina, or offer much more functionality/bloat than you may want. This application solves the issue and is only mere kilobytes in size.


  1. Download the latest .dmg from the releases page, mount it, and copy the .app to your applications folder like any other application.

  2. Since the application is not notarized as I didn't want to contribute to Apple's addiction to greed, you will need to right click on the .app and choose Open.

UnnaturalScrollWheels – Better scroll wheel settings for macOS

  1. The app requires accessibility permissions to "Control your computer". This is required to intercept scroll events, invert them and modify their deltas to disable acceleration and apply your settings.

UnnaturalScrollWheels – Better scroll wheel settings for macOS

UnnaturalScrollWheels – Better scroll wheel settings for macOS

That's it!


For the most part, things are self explanitory. One possible point of confusion may be how to modify your preferences once you've hidden the app from menu bar. To show preferences and to temporarily show the menu bar icon again, with the application running the background, simply open the application again which will display the preferences window.

Run at login

See here

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