内容简介:An automated recon framework for web applications
An automated recon framework for web applications
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Table of Contents
About reNgine
reNgine is an automated reconnaissance framework meant for information gathering during penetration testing of web applications. reNgine has customizable scan engines, which can be used to scan the domains, endpoints, or gather information. The beauty of reNgine is that it gathers everything in one place. It has a pipeline of reconnaissance, which is highly customizable.
reNgine can be very useful when you want to perform the reconnaissance, gather endpoints, directory and file search, grab screenshots, and gather all the results in one place.
Suppose, if you have a domain hackerone.com, reNgine can perform the scan based on your scan engines, gather all the results in one place. reNgine makes it possible for use cases like, "I want to search the subdomain which has page title "Dashboard" and has page status as 200, and I quickly want to have a look at the screenshot".
Another use-case could be, "I want to list all subdomains that use PHP, and the HTTP status is 200!"
On the endpoints part, reNgine is capable of gathering the URL endpoints using tools like gau
, hakrawler
which gathers URL from many sources like common crawl, Wayback engine, etc.
reNgine also makes it possible for the use case like, "search the URLs that have extension .php and HTTP status is 200!"
Suppose if you are looking for open redirection, you can quickly search for =http
and look for HTTP status 30X, this will give high accuracy of open redirection with minimal efforts.
Click below to watch the demo
What it is not
reNgine is not a:
- Vulnerability scanner!
- Reconnaissance with high accuracy (No! reNgine, uses other open-source tools, to make this pipeline possible. The accuracy and capability of reNgine is also dependent on those tools)
- Speed oriented recon framework with immediate results
Scan results
Gathered Endpoints
Of course, at this point, reNgine does not give the best of the best result compared to other tools, but reNgine has certainly minimal efforts. Also, I am continuously adding new features. You may help me on this journey by creating a PR filled with new features and bug fixes. Please have a look at thesection before doing so.
Getting Started
To get a local copy up and running, follow these simple example steps.
git clone https://github.com/yogeshojha/rengine.git cd rengine
- Docker
- Install docker based on your OS from here
- docker-compose
- Installation instructions for docker-compose from here
Assuming that you have followed the above steps and inside rengine directory
docker-compose up --build
The build process may take some time.
Alternatively, you also can run the project with pre-built Docker images (with 2FA enabled, you have to create a new personal access token with read:packages
docker login docker.pkg.github.com docker-compose pull docker-compose up
Once the setup is done, you need to setup the password.
Register Account
Once the application is up and running, you need an account for reNgine. This can be easily created using createsuperuser
from Django. Open a new terminal tab, and run the following command:
docker exec -it rengine_web_1 python manage.py createsuperuser
You may now enter your username and password. Remember to keep a secure password.
If the installation is successful, then you can run reNgine by using the command
docker-compose up -d
The web application can then be accessed from http://localhost:8000
VPS HTTPS Installation
If you are considering to install on VPS with https, here is an awesome blog written by @J0_mart https://www.jomar.fr/posts/2020/07/en-install-rengine-with-nginx-and-ssl-auto-renew/
Contributions are what make the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated . Your contributions could be as simple as fixing the indentations or fixing UI to as complex as bringing new modules and features.
See contributing guide to get started.
First-time Open Source contributors
Please note that reNgine is beginner-friendly. If you have never done any open-source yet, we encourage you to do so. We will be happy and proud of your first PR ever.
You can begin with resolving any open issues .
It is distributed under the GNU GPL v3 license License. See LICENSE for more information.
Acknowledgements and Credits
reNgine is just a pipeline of recon. reNgine would not have been possible without the following individuals/organizations.
- Amass: OWASP
- httpx, subfinder, naabu: ProjectDiscovery
- Sublist3r: Ahmed Aboul-Ela
- assetfinder: Tom Hudson
- gau: Corben Leo
- hakrawler : Luke Stephens
- dirsearch: maurosoria
- subjack haccer
Also, some of the icons and images used herein reNgine are from Freepik and Flaticon.
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
桑德 (Warren Sande)、桑德 (Carter Sande) / 苏金国、易郑超 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2014-10-1 / CNY 69.00
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