Deep JavaScript chapter: How do environments and closures work in JavaScript?

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:(Ad, please don’t block.)In this chapter, we take a closer look at how the ECMAScript language specification handles variables.An environment is the data structure that the ECMAScript specification uses to manage variables. It is a dictionary whose keys ar

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4 Environments: under the hood of variables

In this chapter, we take a closer look at how the ECMAScript language specification handles variables.

4.1 Environment: data structure for managing variables

An environment is the data structure that the ECMAScript specification uses to manage variables. It is a dictionary whose keys are variable names and whose values are the values of those variables. Each scope has its associated environment. Environments must be able to support the following phenomena related to variables:

  • Recursion
  • Nested scopes
  • Closures

We’ll use examples to illustrate how that is done for each phenomenon.

4.2 Recursion via environments

We’ll tackle recursion first. Consider the following code:

function f(x) {
  return x * 2;
function g(y) {
  const tmp = y + 1;
  return f(tmp);
assert.equal(g(3), 8);

For each function call, you need fresh storage space for the variables (parameters and local variables) of the called function. This is managed via a stack of so-called execution contexts , which are references to environments (for the purpose of this chapter). Environments themselves are stored on the heap. That is necessary because they occasionally live on after execution has left their scopes (we’ll see that when exploring closures ). Therefore, they themselves can’t be managed via a stack.

4.2.1 Executing the code

While executing the code, we make the following pauses:

function f(x) {
  // Pause 3
  return x * 2;
function g(y) {
  const tmp = y + 1;
  // Pause 2
  return f(tmp);
// Pause 1
assert.equal(g(3), 8);

This is what happens:

  • Pause 1 – before calling g() (fig. ).

  • Pause 2 – while executing g() (fig. ).

  • Pause 3 – while executing f() (fig. ).

  • Remaining steps: Every time there is a return , one execution context is removed from the stack.

Deep JavaScript chapter: How do environments and closures work in JavaScript?
Figure 1: Recursion, pause 1 – before calling g() : The execution context stack has one entry, which points to the top-level environment. In that environment, there are two entries; one for f() and one for g() .
Deep JavaScript chapter: How do environments and closures work in JavaScript?
Figure 2: Recursion, pause 2 – while executing g() : The top of the execution context stack points to the environment that was created for g() . That environment contains entries for the argument y and for the local variable tmp .
Deep JavaScript chapter: How do environments and closures work in JavaScript?
Figure 3: Recursion, pause 3 – while executing f() : The top execution context now points to the environment for f() .

4.3 Nested scopes via environments

We use the following code to explore how nested scopes are implemented via environments.

function f(x) {
  function square() {
    const result = x * x;
    return result;
  return square();
assert.equal(f(6), 36);

Here, we have three nested scopes: The top-level scope, the scope of f() , and the scope of square() . Observations:

  • The scopes are connected. An inner scope “inherits” all the variables of an outer scope (minus the ones it shadows).
  • Nesting scopes as a mechanism is independent of recursion. The latter is best managed by a stack of independent environments. The former is a relationship that each environment has with the environment “in which” it is created.

Therefore, the environment of each scope points to the environment of the surrounding scope via a field called outer . When we are looking up the value of a variable, we first search for its name in the current environment, then in the outer environment, then in the outer environment’s outer environment, etc. The whole chain of outer environments contains all variables that can currently be accessed (minus shadowed variables).

When you make a function call, you create a new environment. The outer environment of that environment is the environment in which the function was created. To help set up the field outer of environments created via function calls, each function has an internal property named [[Scope]] that points to its “birth environment”.

4.3.1 Executing the code

These are the pauses we are making while executing the code:

function f(x) {
  function square() {
    const result = x * x;
    // Pause 3
    return result;
  // Pause 2
  return square();
// Pause 1
assert.equal(f(6), 36);

This is what happens:

  • Pause 1 – before calling f() (fig. ).
  • Pause 2 – while executing f() (fig. ).
  • Pause 3 – while executing square() (fig. ).
  • After that, return statements pop execution entries off the stack.
Deep JavaScript chapter: How do environments and closures work in JavaScript?
Figure 4: Nested scopes, pause 1 – before calling f() : The top-level environment has a single entry, for f() . The birth environment of f() is the top-level environment. Therefore, f ’s [[Scope]] points to it.
Deep JavaScript chapter: How do environments and closures work in JavaScript?
Figure 5: Nested scopes, pause 2 – while executing f() : There is now an environment for the function call f(6) . The outer environment of that environment is the birth environment of f() (the top-level environment at index 0). We can see that the field outer was set to the value of f ’s [[Scope]] . Furthermore, the [[Scope]] of the new function square() is the environment that was just created.
Deep JavaScript chapter: How do environments and closures work in JavaScript?
Figure 6: Nested scopes, pause 3 – while executing square() : The previous pattern was repeated: the outer of the most recent environment was set up via the [[Scope]] of the function that we just called. The chain of scopes created via outer , contains all variables that are active right now. For example, we can access result , square , and f if we want to. Environments reflect two aspects of variables. First, the chain of outer environments reflects the nested static scopes. Second, the stack of execution contexts reflects what function calls were made, dynamically.

4.4 Closures and environments

To see how environments are used to implementclosures, we are using the following example:

function add(x) {
  return (y) => { // (A)
    return x + y;
assert.equal(add(3)(1), 4); // (B)

What is going on here? add() is a function that returns a function. When we make the nested function call add(3)(1) in line B, the first parameter is for add() , the second parameter is for the function it returns. This works because the function created in line A does not lose the connection to its birth scope when it leaves that scope. The associated environment is kept alive by that connection and the function still has access to variable x in that environment ( x is free inside the function).

This nested way of calling add() has an advantage: if you only make the first function call, you get a version of add() whose parameter x is already filled in:

const plus2 = add(2);
assert.equal(plus2(5), 7);

Converting a function with two parameters into two nested functions with one parameter each, is called currying . add() is a curried function.

Only filling in some of the parameters of a function is called partial application (the function has not been fully applied yet). Method .bind() of functions performs partial application. In the previous example, we can see that partial application is simple if a function is curried. Executing the code

As we are executing the following code, we are making three pauses:

function add(x) {
  return (y) => {
    // Pause 3: plus2(5)
    return x + y;
  }; // Pause 1: add(2)
const plus2 = add(2);
// Pause 2
assert.equal(plus2(5), 7);

This is what happens:

  • Pause 1 – during the execution of add(2) (fig. ).
  • Pause 2 – after the execution of add(2) (fig. ).
  • Pause 3 – while executing plus2(5) (fig. ).
Deep JavaScript chapter: How do environments and closures work in JavaScript?
Figure 7: Closures, pause 1 – during the execution of add(2) : We can see that the function returned by add() already exists (see bottom right corner) and that it points to its birth environment via its internal property [[Scope]] . Note that plus2 is still in its temporal dead zone and uninitialized.
Deep JavaScript chapter: How do environments and closures work in JavaScript?
Figure 8: Closures, pause 2 – after the execution of add(2) : plus2 now points to the function returned by add(2) . That function keeps its birth environment (the environment of add(2) ) alive via its [[Scope]] .
Deep JavaScript chapter: How do environments and closures work in JavaScript?
Figure 9: Closures, pause 3 – while executing plus2(5) : The [[Scope]] of plus2 is used to set up the outer of the new environment. That’s how the current function gets access to x .

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李运华 编著 / 电子工业出版社 / 2015-12 / 69

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