Beginning iOS Animations [SUBSCRIBER]

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

Beginning iOS Animations

Jul 23 2020 · Video Course (2 hrs, 8 mins) · Beginner

Get started animating your views in iOS! You’ll be controlling changes in their visible properties over time, and transitions between the views themselves.

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  • Swift 5.2, iOS 13, Xcode 11.4

Graphics & Animation iOS & Swift Tutorials

Beginning iOS Animations [SUBSCRIBER]
Beginning iOS Animations [SUBSCRIBER]

Animation with Auto Layout


2:04 Free

In this section learn how to animate Auto Layout constraints in iOS. Find out what animation is and how it can help your apps in this introductory video!

Animate the constant property of an Auto Layout constraint as you create your first view animation for the Packing List app.

Try animating another constraint on your own, and get a sneak peek at animating view properties directly.

Learn how to animate the constraints of views you create dynamically and constrain entirely in code.

Learn how to animate the constraints of views you create dynamically and constrain entirely in code.

Learn the differences between animating constants and multipliers, then try animating a multiplier using a search and replace approach.

Try your hand at another way to animate constraint multipliers: toggling between two constraints with IBOutlets.

It's time to add a little fun to your animations! Learn how to make spring-driven animations and customize their effects.

Learn to use view transitions: a set of predefined view animations that can help you quickly add and remove views with style.

In this challenge, have another try at using view transitions and explore the different ways to trigger them.



In this video you'll review what you've learned in this section, and find out what's next in your animation journey.

Animating UIView Properties

In this part, you'll start animating views directly. What's the difference between animating constraints and animating view properties?

Build an animation to cross-fade between two views using three different view properties and some new techniques.

Try adding another animation using a view property. This time, use alpha to fade a single view in and out.

Learn how to scale, translate, and rotate views with the powerful, but sometimes confounding, transform property.

In this challenge, add variation to your last animation to slide labels to and from different directions.

Experiment with combining changes in multiple transform properties to create complex animations, and find out how they can go wrong.

Create a complex animation that encompasses multiple properties, and multiple steps, with a keyframe animation.

In this challenge, solidify your keyframe animation skills by adding one more keyframe animation to your project.



Review what you've learned in this section, and prepare to take your animation skills to the next level.

Animating View Controller Transitions

Learn about view controller transitions and why you should consider customizing them with unique animations in your apps.

Take a tour of the Beginning Cook app and set it all up for custom view controller transition animations.

Now that you have several view animations under your belt, try to plan out the steps needed to build the presentation animation.

Follow through on your plan from the previous challenge by implementing all of the steps to create a custom presentation animation.

In this challenge, plan the steps required to take the presentation animation you've completed, and run it in reverse as a dismiss animation.

Take your plan for the dismiss animation and put it into action to create a completely customized view controller transition animation.

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Wrap up your custom view controller transition with a few final steps to make the animation really shine.



Review what you've learned in this section and the course, and find out what more there is to learn about animating in iOS.

Who is this for?

Developers who know the basics of Swift and Xcode, but are beginners to animation in iOS.

This course is part of ouriOS User Interfaces learning path. Knowledge from earlier in the path is prerequisite, as is what's covered in iOS and Swift for Beginners .

Covered concepts

  • Animating Auto Layout Constraints
  • Springs
  • View and Views Controller Transitions
  • Transforms
  • Keyframes


Jessy Catterwaul

Fascinated by technology consistently making learning easier, Jessy enjoys exploring new techniques involving creative software...


Christine Sweigart

Christine is Razeware's administrative assistant and video editor. For many years she fostered a strong dislike of green...


Adriana Kutenko

Graphic Illustrator with a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts. I am a perpetual perfection seeker with a big passion for History...


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[美]盖布·兹彻曼、[美]乔斯琳·林德 / 应皓 / 中国人民大学出版社有限公司 / 2014-8-1 / CNY 59.00

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