tinyhttp - a tiny Express-like web framework that uses a bare minimum amount of dependencie...

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

tinyhttp - a tiny Express-like web framework that uses a bare minimum amount of dependencie...


:zap: Tiny web framework as a replacement of Express

The project is in development. Please don't use in production.

tinyhttp is a modern Express -like web framework written in TypeScript and compiled to native ESM, that uses a bare minimum amount of dependencies trying to avoid legacy hell.

Here is a short list of most important features that tinyhttp has:

  • :zap: 2.5x faster than Express
  • Full Express middleware support
  • Async middleware support
  • Native ESM and CommonJS support
  • :rocket: No legacy dependencies, just the JavaScript itself
  • :hammer: Types out of the box
  • 4x smaller than Express

To get started, visit tinyhttp website .


tinyhttp requires Node.js 12.4.0 or newer . It is recommended to use pnpm , although it isn't required.

# npm
npm i @tinyhttp/app
# pnpm
pnpm i @tinyhttp/app
# yarn
yarn add @tinyhttp/app


You can see the documentation here .

Get Started

The app structure is quite similar to Express, except that you need to import App from @tinyhttp/app instead of default import from express .

import { App } from '@tinyhttp/app'
import { logger } from '@tinyhttp/logger'

const app = new App()

  .use(function someMiddleware(req, res, next) {
    console.log('Did a request')
  .get('/', (_, res) => {
    res.send('<h1>Hello World</h1>')
  .get('/page/:page/', (req, res) => {
    res.status(200).send(`You just opened ${req.params.page}`)

For more examples, check examples folder.


tinyhttp offers a list of premade middleware for common tasks.

Search and explore the full list at middleware search page .


To compare tinyhttp with Express and Polka (another Express-like framework), see COMPARISON.md


To see benchmark comparison between tinyhttp, polka and express, check benchmark folder.




MIT © v1rtl

Contributors :sparkles:

Thanks goes to these wonderful people ( emoji key ):

tinyhttp - a tiny Express-like web framework that uses a bare minimum amount of dependencie... v 1 r t l
tinyhttp - a tiny Express-like web framework that uses a bare minimum amount of dependencie... Matt tinyhttp - a tiny Express-like web framework that uses a bare minimum amount of dependencie... Nasmevka
tinyhttp - a tiny Express-like web framework that uses a bare minimum amount of dependencie... elianiva
:computer: :warning:
tinyhttp - a tiny Express-like web framework that uses a bare minimum amount of dependencie... Katja Lutz tinyhttp - a tiny Express-like web framework that uses a bare minimum amount of dependencie... Arnovsky

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

Supporters :moneybag:

These amazing people supported tinyhttp financially:


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