GPT-3 Explained in Under 2 Minutes

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

So, you’ve seen some amazing GPT-3 demos on Twitter (machine-made Op-Eds, poems, articles, even working code). But what’s going on under the hood of this incredible model? Here’s a (brief!) look inside.

GPT-3 is a neural-network-powered language model. Alanguage model is a model that predicts the likelihood of a sentence existing in the world. For example, a language model can label the sentence “I take my dog for a walk” as more probable to exist (i.e. on the Internet) than the sentence “I take my banana for a walk.” This is true for sentences as well as phrases and, more generally, any sequence of characters.

Like most language models, GPT-3 is elegantly trained on an unlabeled text dataset (in this case, Common Crawl ). Words or phrases are randomly removed from the text, and the model must learn to fill them in using only the surrounding words as context. It’s a simple training task that results in a powerful and generalizable model.

The GPT-3 model architecture itself is atransformer-based neural network. This architecture became popular about 2–3 years ago, and is the basis for the popular NLP modelBERT. From an architecture perspective, GPT-3 is not actually very novel! So what makes it so special and magical?

IT’S REALLY BIG. I mean really big. With 175 billion parameters, it’s the largest language model ever created (GPT-2 had only 1.5 parameters!), and was trained on the largest dataset of any language model. This, it appears, is the main reason GPT-3 is so impressive.

And here’s the magical part. As a result, GPT-3 can do what no other model can do (well): perform *specific* tasks without any special tuning. You can ask GPT-3 to be a translator, a programmer, a poet, or a famous author, and it can do it with fewer than 10 training examples. Damn .

Most other models (like BERT) require an elaborate fine-tuning step, where you gather thousands of examples of (say) French-English sentence pairs to teach it how to do translation. With GPT-3, you don’t need to do that fine-tuning step. This is the heart of it. This is what gets people excited about GPT-3: custom language tasks without training data.

Today, GPT-3 is in private beta, but boy can I not wait to get my hands on it.


以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《GPT-3 Explained in Under 2 Minutes》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






李翔昊 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2010 / 35.00元

内容提要: 本书通过互联网行业与社会生活中的案例内容,向读者介绍了一些互联网技术和新型网站的发展,揭示了社交网站兴起的因素。在探讨社交网站发展和网络开放平台的同时,也介绍、描述了其对社会信息传播、行业组织、广告营销等方面的影响。最后通过新技术和产品应用,展望了未来社会化网络的趋势走向。 本书适合从事信息技术、社会传播、市场营销相关工作,以及广大互联网用户,或对IT行业有兴趣的人士阅读。......一起来看看 《SNS浪潮》 这本书的介绍吧!

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