An online judge built with Python and the Django framework to test cases against your solution. A better version of this is to be implemented in DomeCode. Check out the sponsor links and help fund DomeCode.
I'm trying to build an online judge to allow users of DomeCode to practice coding problems online. DomeCode is a project of mine in the making that allows people to learn code by practicing,participating in DomeCode's forum and using the resources compiled from all over the internet and woven together to create a one-stop experience for programmers.
The autograder for DomeCode is also being built on top of this with more ramifications and a few more features for the first release. But in actuality, this is the underlying piece of code in the most minimalistic way.
To put it simply, adding a compiler like Cloud9 IDE or Sphere online judge is gonna cost me some bucks so initially I plan on building an in-house solution to allow users to practice coding problems like they did on Google Kickstart before 2019 or the way Coursera's autograder does. I hope this works out since the concept is sound as per my understanding.
You should know this!
If this project actually gets a decent number of stars and forks, I will be implementing a few more core features to this including but not limited to :
Displaying whether the answer is correct in Question's submission panel.
:white_check_mark: -
Displaying whether the question attempted by the user is correct in the Question List View.
:white_check_mark: -
Adding an actual compiler ( resource-heavy so well yeah it's expensive when run on the cloud )
:money_with_wings: -
Better admin interface
:star2: -
Rich text editing for coding problems to include pictures and more!:sparkles:
Support this project
Since I've already started to build this, I'm probably gonna learn to build a cloud based compiler as well and add it on this existing version of Online Judge/autograder to make it a full-fledged Online Judge to the likes of Sphere Online Judge.
I intend to keep the source code absolutely open source forever for people to use and instead of paying services like Cloud9 IDE or Sphere Online Judge, this would allow users to implement this in the form a PyPi package ( will ship it soon ) and use it for their own applications and host it on AWS/GCP/Digital Ocean for slightly cheaper than you might with a pre built online judge to be embedded in your application.
This open source project is here to stay and be maintained so I would urge you to consider supporting this project by sponsoring it! Links included on the Github repo info panel.
Also checkout one of the other projects, Geddit
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
注意力经济: 如何把大众的注意力变成生意
吴修铭 / 中信出版集团股份有限公司 / 2018-4-1 / 69
编辑推荐 这本书由万维钢作序,并在《得到》日课中多次推荐!中文版未上市之前,中文前沿媒体就在力推这本书!关于注意力争夺战的历史和现在,作者给了权威的梳理和定位! 百年来,在争夺注意力的战场上,媒体、广告、商人、企业和大众成为博弈的主角。商人是如何在注意力争夺战中获利的?媒体是如何在改变报道形式的?广告是如何进化的?以及,营销是如何变得随处可见、无孔不入的呢?这本书讲述了令商人或企业从吸......一起来看看 《注意力经济: 如何把大众的注意力变成生意》 这本书的介绍吧!