Sidebar navigation in SwiftUI

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:We already covered master-detail navigation in SwiftUI on my blog. But today, I want to talk about new sidebar navigation that landed this year into iOS and macOS worlds. We will learn how to build a three-column navigation flow by usingA sidebar provides

We already covered master-detail navigation in SwiftUI on my blog. But today, I want to talk about new sidebar navigation that landed this year into iOS and macOS worlds. We will learn how to build a three-column navigation flow by using NavigationView in SwiftUI.

Sidebar navigation in SwiftUI

A sidebar provides app-level navigation and quick access to top-level collections of content in your app. Selecting an item in the sidebar allows people to navigate to a specific piece of content. For example, the sidebar in Mail shows a list of all mailboxes. People can select a mailbox to access its list of messages, and select a specific message to display in the content pane.

To learn about building navigation using NavigationView and NavigationLink , take a look at my “Navigation in SwiftUI” post.

Let’s build a prototype of a mail app that uses three-column navigation. SwiftUI provides NavigationView that allows us to create a master-detail flow. You can put up to three children inside a NavigationView . In this case, SwiftUI will place views side-by-side. But let’s start with declaring our data model.

import SwiftUI

struct Mail: Identifiable, Hashable {
    let id = UUID()
    let date: Date
    let subject: String
    let body: String
    var isFavorited = false

final class MailStore: ObservableObject {
    @Published var allMails: [String: [Mail]] = [
        "Inbox": [ .init(date: Date(), subject: "Subject1", body: "Very long body...") ],
        "Sent": [ .init(date: Date(), subject: "Subject2", body: "Very long body...") ],

In the listing above, we create a simple mail store that we will use as a datastore for our prototype. Now let’s move forward by implementing the first column of our navigation flow.

struct Sidebar: View {
    @ObservedObject var store: MailStore
    @Binding var selectedFolder: String?
    @Binding var selectedMail: Mail?

    var body: some View {
        List(selection: $selectedFolder) {
            ForEach(Array(store.allMails.keys), id: \.self) { folder in
                    destination: FolderView(
                        title: folder,
                        mails: store.allMails[folder, default: []],
                        selectedMail: $selectedMail)
                ) {

As you can see, we create a view called sidebar. It needs an instance of store object to access our emails and two bindings that we will use to bind the current folder and selected email. We also use the new SidebarListStyle to apply a brand new styling to our list that available on iOS 14 and macOS Big Sur.

struct FolderView: View {
    let title: String
    let mails: [Mail]
    @Binding var selectedMail: Mail?

    var body: some View {
        List(selection: $selectedMail) {
            ForEach(mails) { mail in
                    destination: MailView(mail: mail),
                    tag: mail,
                    selection: $selectedMail
                ) {
                    VStack(alignment: .leading) {
                        Text(, style: .date)

Here we have the FolderView struct that we use to display a list of emails in the folder. FolderView also needs the binding for a selected email. Whenever the user selects an email in the list, SwiftUI sets the value of the binding and updates the view hierarchy. Now let’s take a look at MailView .

struct MailView: View {
    let mail: Mail

    var body: some View {
        VStack(alignment: .leading) {
            Text(, style: .date)

OK, now we have all the needed pieces to build our three-column navigation flow. As I mentioned earlier, we will put our column views inside a NavigationView .

struct TestProjectApp: App {
    @StateObject var store = MailStore()
    @State private var selectedLabel: String? = "Inbox"
    @State private var selectedMail: Mail?

    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            NavigationView {
                    store: store,
                    selectedFolder: $selectedLabel,
                    selectedMail: $selectedMail

                if let label = selectedLabel {
                        title: label,
                        mails: store.allMails[label, default: []],
                        selectedMail: $selectedMail
                } else {
                    Text("Select label...")

                if let mail = selectedMail {
                    MailView(mail: mail)
                } else {
                    Text("Select mail...")

As you can see, we have NavigationView , which is the root of our app scene. We also define two state properties which describe selected label and email. We pass bindings to these state properties down into the view hierarchy, and whenever the user selects the folder or email, SwiftUI updates bindings and route our navigation. Thanks to SwiftUI’s declarative nature, the code above works great both on iPhone, where it uses the single column navigation and iPad where is uses sidebar navigation.

Sidebar navigation plays a huge role in new Human Interface Guidelines . It is effortless to implement in SwiftUI using NavigationView . I hope you enjoy the post. Feel free to follow me on Twitter and ask your questions related to this article. Thanks for reading, and see you next week!


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