Modern date and time handling in all Android versions (without sugar)

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Working with time in Android has always been tricky. People have been using either third party libraries (e.g.Joda-Time,In the latest Android Gradle plugin release (v.4.0.0+), "In general, Kotlin provides its Collections and Stream API replacements which a

Working with time in Android has always been tricky. People have been using either third party libraries (e.g.Joda-Time, ThreeTenBp ) or had to work with the built-in time classes (such asCalendar). The built-in classes, although available in all Android versions, had a not-so-great API, were mutable (so not thread-safe), and timezone handling was a pain ( ref ).

In the latest Android Gradle plugin release (v.4.0.0+), " Java 8+ API desugaring support " was introduced. In plain language, we can use some Java 8 APIs and the plugin will translate those APIs to Android-compatible Java behind the scenes that can be used in all Android versions without requiring a minimum API level!

In general, Kotlin provides its Collections and Stream API replacements which are superior to Java's in my opinion. So from the list of Java 8 APIs , I think that only the excellent java.time API is interesting for a Kotlin developer. Finally, a nice date/time API that can be used in Android!

Note that this "desugaring" process might cost a few extra KB in your APK/AAB. But if that's not a deal-breaker for your case, you should consider using the newer APIs.

Set up

You would need to modify your build.gradle files. More details (and up-to-date version codes) in the official doc .

android {

  defaultConfig {
    // Required when setting minSdkVersion to 20 or lower
    multiDexEnabled true

  compileOptions {    
    // Flag to enable support for the new language APIs
    coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled true
    // Sets Java compatibility to Java 8
    sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
    targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

dependencies {
  coreLibraryDesugaring ''

Meet the classes

The time API is quite comprehensive and the complete exploration of the API is outside of the scope of this post. But, I want to introduce what I believe the main classes you probably going to need most of the time.


Instant is a point in time. Can be considered equivalent to a timestamp, if you are familiar with that term.

LocalTime, LocalDate, LocalDateTime

Each class represents the time, date, date+time respectively, without a timezone. Most people when thinking about date/time think in these terms anyway.

ZoneOffset, ZoneId

These are used to work with timezones. You would need one of those to convert a Local* to an Instant .


You probably guessed it. This is what you get when combine a LocalDateTime with a ZoneId . This can be converted to an Instant .

Playing with date and time

These APIs provide intuitive and consistent ways to manipulate date and time. Remember that all objects are immutable, so a new object is created every time that a manipulation takes place (which is a good thing). Some useful examples follow.

val someDate = LocalDate.of(2020, 7, 28)
val someDateTime = LocalDateTime.ofEpochSecond(1595363833)
val someInstant = Instant.parse("2007-12-03T10:15:30.00Z")
Multiple ways to initialize time objects.
val today: LocalDate =
val startOfDay: LocalDateTime = today.atStartOfDay()
Get the start date+time of a day defined by a LocalDate
val now: LocalDateTime =
val nowInLA: ZonedDateTime = now.atZone(ZoneId.of("America/Los_Angeles"))
Get what date+time is now in Los Angeles.
val instant: Instant = nowInLA.toInstant()
val timestampInSeconds: Long = instant.epochSecond
val timestampInMilliseconds: Long = instant.toEpochMilli()
Get a point in time in various forms.
val today: LocalDate =
val previousWeek: LocalDate =
Get the same day, 1 week earlier. There are available methods for every time unit.


Just note that the formatters you are used to in Android, such as SimpleDateFormat , cannot be used with Java Time API. The API comes with its own formatters, such as DateTimeFormatter .


Enjoy a modern date/time API in your Android development life :)


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Brian P.Hogan / 李杰、刘晓娜、柳靖、朱嵬 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2012-1 / 39.00元

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