An open source project management tool with Kanban boards

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:A free & open source alternative project management tool.Currently citadel only offers basic task tracking through a Kanban board.

Project Citadel - An open source project management tool

An open source project management tool with Kanban boards


A free & open source alternative project management tool.


Currently citadel only offers basic task tracking through a Kanban board.

Currently you can do the following to tasks:

  • Add colors & named labels
  • Add due dates
  • Descriptions written in Markdown
  • Assign members
  • Checklists
  • Mark tasks as complete


With docker & docker-compose

You'll need both docker & docker-compose installed.

Now do the following:

docker-compose -p citadel up -d
docker-compose -p citadel -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.migrate.yml run --rm migrate

This will start a postgres instance as well as a citadel instance.

The second command runs the database shema migrations.

If you visit http://localhost:3333 , you will get redirected to the installation screen so that you can create the first system user.

From Source

You'll need Golang installed on your machine.

Next, clone the repository:

git clone && cd project-citadel

Next we need to build the binary. This project uses Mage for its build tool.

go run cmd/mage/main.go install
go run cmd/mage/main.go build

This will:

  • Install all yarn packages for the frontend
  • Build the React frontend
  • Embed the React frontend in the binary
  • Compile the final exectuable binary

The newly created citadel binary can be found in the dist folder.

It contains everything neccessary to run except the config file. An example config file can be found in conf/app.example.toml

The config will need to be copied to a conf/app.toml in the same place the binary is.

Make sure to fill out the database section of the config in order to connect it to your database.

Then run the database migrations with citadel migrate .

Now you can run the web interface by running citadel web


This is a list of features that will eventually be added to Citadel in no particular order:

  • Add a calender tab overview of task due dates
  • Add lists tab overview of tasks (alternative view to Kanban )
  • Add gantt timeline view (with swimlanes)
  • Implemention list actions (copy, mass delete, etc)
  • Task sorting, filtering, and search
  • Custom fields
  • Automation rules
  • Wiki tab
  • Progress tab
  • Archive tasks, then option to delete instead of only being able to delete tasks
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Custom project backgrounds
  • Custom project colors
  • Portfolio view


MIT License

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《An open source project management tool with Kanban boards》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






秦小波 / 机械工业出版社 / 2010年3月 / 69.00元

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