内容简介:This is a list of boardgame research. They are primarily related to "solving/playing/learning" games (by various different approaches), or occasionaly about designing or meta-aspects of the game. This doesn't cover all aspects of each game (notably missing
This is a list of boardgame research. They are primarily related to "solving/playing/learning" games (by various different approaches), or occasionaly about designing or meta-aspects of the game. This doesn't cover all aspects of each game (notably missing social-science stuff), but should be of interest to anyone interested in boardgames and their optimal play. While there is a ton of easily accessible research on games like Chess and Go, finding prior work on more contemporary games can be a bit hard. This list focuses on the latter. If you are interested in well-researched games like Chess, Go, Hex, take a look at the Chess programming wiki instead. The list also covers some computer-games that fall under similar themes.
If you aren't able to access any paper on this list, please try using Sci-Hub or reach out to me .
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
Settlers of Catan
- The effectiveness of persuasion in The Settlers of Catan
- Avoiding Revenge Using Optimal Opponent Ranking Strategy in the Board Game Catan
- Game strategies for The Settlers of Catan
- Monte-Carlo Tree Search in Settlers of Catan
- Settlers of Catan bot trained using reinforcement learning (MATLAB).
- Trading in a multiplayer board game:Towards an analysis of non-cooperative dialogue
- POMCP with Human Preferencesin Settlers of Catan
- Reinforcement Learning of Strategies for Settlers of Catan
- Deep Reinforcement Learning in Strategic Board GameEnvironments [ pdf ]
- Monte Carlo Tree Search in a Modern Board Game Framework
- Learning to Play No-Press Diplomacy with Best Response Policy Iteration
- No Press Diplomacy: Modeling Multi-Agent Gameplay
- Agent Madoff: A Heuristic-Based Negotiation Agent For The Diplomacy Strategy Game
- Mini-Risk: Strategies for a Simplified Board Game
- A Multi-Agent System for playing theboard game Risk
- Learning the risk board game with classifier systems
- Markov Chains and the RISK Board Game
- Markov Chains for the RISK Board Game Revisited
- RISK Board Game ‐ Battle Outcome Analysis
- Planning an endgame move set for the game RISK
- RISKy Business: An In-Depth Look at the Game RISK
- An Intelligent Artificial Player for the Game of Risk
- Re-determinizing MCTS in Hanabi
- Hanabi is NP-hard, Even for Cheaters who Look at Their Cards
- Evolving Agents for the Hanabi 2018 CIG Competition
- Aspects of the Cooperative Card Game Hanabi
- How to Make the Perfect Fireworks Display: Two Strategies for Hanabi
- Playing Hanabi Near-Optimally
- Evaluating and modelling Hanabi-playing agents
- An intentional AI for hanabi
- The Hanabi challenge: A new frontier for AI research [ arXiv ]] (DeepMind)
- Solving Hanabi: Estimating Hands by Opponent's Actions in Cooperative Game with Incomplete Information
- A Browser-based Interface for the Exploration and Evaluation of Hanabi AIs
- I see what you see: Integrating eye tracking into Hanabi playing agents
- The 2018 Hanabi competition
- Diverse Agents for Ad-Hoc Cooperation in Hanabi [ arXiv ]
- State of the art Hanabi bots + simulation framework in rust
- Improving Policies via Search in Cooperative Partially Observable Games (FB) [ code ]
- A strategy simulator for the well-known cooperative card game Hanabi
- A framework for writing bots that play Hanabi
- Evaluating the Rainbow DQN Agent in Hanabi with Unseen Partners
Race for the galaxy
- Negotiation strategy of agents in the MONOPOLY game
- Generating interesting Monopoly boards from open data
- Estimating the probability that the game of Monopoly never ends
- Learning to play Monopoly:A Reinforcement Learning approach
- Monopoly as a Markov Process
- Learning to Play Monopoly withMonte Carlo Tree Search
- Monopoly Using Reinforcement Learning
- A Markovian Exploration of Monopoly
- What's the best Monopoly strategy
Magic: the Gathering
- Magic: the Gathering is as Hard as Arithmetic
- Magic: The Gathering is Turing Complete
- Neural Networks Models for Analyzing Magic: the Gathering Cards [ arXiv ]
- The Complexity of Deciding Legality of a Single Step of Magic: the Gathering
- Ensemble Determinization in Monte Carlo Tree Search for the Imperfect Information Card Game Magic: The Gathering
- Magic: The Gathering in Common Lisp [ source ]
- Deck Costruction Strategies for Magic: the Gathering
- Deckbuilding in Magic: The Gathering Using a Genetic Algorithm
- Mathematical programming and Magic: The Gathering®
- Optimal Card-Collecting Strategies for Magic: The Gathering
- Monte Carlo search applied to card selection in Magic: The Gathering
- Magic: The Gathering Deck Performance Prediction
Terra Mystica
- A mathematical model of the Mafia game
- Automatic Long-Term Deception Detection in Group Interaction Videos
The Resistance: Avalon
Ticket to Ride
- Evolving maps and decks for ticket to ride
- Materials for Ticket to Ride Seattle and a framework for making more game boards
- Applications of Graph Theory andProbability in the Board GameTicket toRide
- The Difficulty of Learning Ticket to Ride
Lost Cities
There is a simulator and the code behind the Dominion server running councilroom.com is available. councilroom has the best and worst openings , optimal card ratios , Card winning stats and lots of other empirical research.
Mobile Games
Race for the Galaxy
Set has a long history of mathematical research, so this list isn't exhaustive.
Monopoly Deal
- Optimal Solitaire Yahtzee Strategies
- Nearly Optimal Computer Play in Multi-player Yahtzee
- Computer Strategies for Solitaire Yahtzee
- An optimal strategy for Yahtzee
- Yahtzee: a Large Stochastic Environment for RL Benchmarks
- Modeling expert problem solving in a game of chance: a Yahtzee case study
- Probabilites In Yahtzee
- Optimal Yahtzee performance in multi-player games
- Defensive Yahtzee
- Using Deep Q-Learning to Compare Strategy Ladders of Yahtzee
- How to Maximize Your Score in Solitaire Yahtzee
- Making Change in 2048
- Analysis of the Game "2048" and its Generalization in Higher Dimensions
- Temporal difference learning of N-tuple networks for the game 2048
- Multi-Stage Temporal Difference Learning for 2048-like Games
- On the Complexity of Slide-and-Merge Games
- 2048 is (PSPACE) Hard, but Sometimes Eas
- Systematic Selection of N-Tuple Networks for 2048
- Systematic selection of N-tuple networks with consideration of interinfluence for game 2048
- 2048 Without New Tiles Is Still Hard
- An investigation into 2048 AI strategies
Game Design
- MDA: A Formal Approach to Game Design and Game Research
- Exploring Anonymity in Cooperative Board Games
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王晓东 / 电子工业出版社 / 2007-5 / 29.50元
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