Fast Vue SSR with Rust and QuickJS

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:An ongoing experiment usingSo far using a thread pool and channels to communicate with the Warp route handler. The goal is to get a full Node-likeNode outperforms QuickJS by a wide margin. Especially with enough cores and memory. However, QuickJS is very s

Fast Vue SSR with Rust and QuickJS

An ongoing experiment using Rust , Warp and QuickJS to server-side render Vue.js applications.

use renderer::RendererPool;
pub async fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
    let pool = Arc::new(Mutex::new(RendererPool::new(64)));
    let renderer = warp::path::full().map(move |path: FullPath| {
        let renderer = Arc::clone(&pool);
        let s = path.as_str().to_string();
        // Currently only passing path to renderer is possible
        // Full Request object is a WIP
        let result = renderer.lock().unwrap().render(s);
    let routes = warp::path::full()
        .map(|_, result| reply::html(result));

So far using a thread pool and channels to communicate with the Warp route handler. The goal is to get a full Node-like IncomingMessage object available as $ssrContext.req . It already includes a /static handler and serves a code-splitted build on the client via Rollup.

Node outperforms QuickJS by a wide margin. Especially with enough cores and memory. However, QuickJS is very small and has very low memory consumption, so running it threaded in a Rust shell makes it possible to have very high throughput using very few resources in comparison.

Inspired by Xinjiang Shao's experiment .


  1. Install Rust .
  2. npm install
  3. npm test

Or npm run build for generating the Rust binary.

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[美]詹姆斯·卡斯 / 马小悟、余倩 / 电子工业出版社 / 2013-10 / 35.00元

在这本书中,詹姆斯·卡斯向我们展示了世界上两种类型的「游戏」:「有限的游戏」和「无限的游戏」。 有限的游戏,其目的在于赢得胜利;无限的游戏,却旨在让游戏永远进行下去。有限的游戏在边界内玩,无限的游戏玩的就是边界。有限的游戏具有一个确定的开始和结束,拥有特定的赢家,规则的存在就是为了保证游戏会结束。无限的游戏既没有确定的开始和结束,也没有赢家,它的目的在于将更多的人带入到游戏本身中来,从而延续......一起来看看 《有限与无限的游戏》 这本书的介绍吧!

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