作者:Roman Kierzkowski
本文是在 Vocapouch 上的一部分研究,我们主要为语言学者做出贡献,本文的结果也包括在我们的 博客 里。
- The Secret Adversary ——是Agatha Christie的侦探小说
- Eve’s Day ——Mark Twain的短篇小说
- Ulysses ——James Joyce的长篇小说
%pylab inline
import spacy
import codecs
import seaborn as sns
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from collections import Counter
from matplotlib import pyplot
nlp = spacy.load('en')
为了分析文本,我们使用sapcy。我们清除所有不是词汇的东西,我们只用词汇的典型形式。比如,我们把 went 变成 go , plays 变成 play 等等。我们把所有字母都变成小写的,所有代词都变为’-PRON-‘。最后结果,它们都被记为一个词汇。
def extract_words(path): with codecs.open(path, encoding='utf-8', mode="r") as book: content = book.read() doc = nlp(content) return [ token.lemma_ for token in doc if token.is_alpha ] ulysses = extract_words('ulysses.txt') eves_diary = extract_words('eves_diary.txt') the_secret_adversary = extract_words('the_secret_adversary.txt') finnegans = extract_words('finnegans.txt')
WPP = 300 def count_coverage(words, wpp = WPP): # wpp - words per page coverage = [] uniqueness = [] occurances = Counter(words) counter = Counter() total = float(len(words)) total_uniq = float(len(occurances.keys())) for n in xrange(len(words) // wpp): page = words[n*wpp:(n+1)*wpp] counter.update(page) s = sum((occurances[w] for w in counter.keys())) coverage.append(s/total) uniqueness.append(len(counter.keys())/total_uniq) return occurances, coverage, uniqueness
def calculate_hardness(coverage): for i in range(len(coverage)): if coverage[i] > 0.9: break hardness = (i / float(len(coverage))) * 100 return i, hardness
def analyze_book(words, title): occurances, coverage, uniqueness = count_coverage(words) page, hardness = calculate_hardness(coverage) file_name = title.lower().replace(' ', '_').replace('\'','') + '.png' print("Number of Pages: %.0f" % (len(words) / WPP)) print("Number of Total Words: %s" % len(words)) print("Number of Unique Words: %s" % len(occurances.keys())) print("You will know 90%% of words after %s pages which are %.2f%% of the book." % (page, hardness)) print("At that page, you will know %.2f%% of unique words." % (uniqueness[page] * 100, )) pyplot.plot(coverage, color='b', label="All words") pyplot.plot(uniqueness, color='g', label="Unique words") pyplot.legend(loc=4) pyplot.title(title) pyplot.xlabel('Page') pyplot.ylabel('Coverage [%]') pyplot.savefig(file_name)
analyze_book(the_secret_adversary, title="The Secret Adversary")
Number of Pages: 250 Number of Total Words: 75208 Number of Unique Words: 5248 You will know 90% of words after 40 pages which are 16.00% of the book. At that page, you will know 39.21% of unique words.
analyze_book(eves_diary, title="Eve's Diary")
Number of Pages: 22 Number of Total Words: 6858 Number of Unique Words: 1104 You will know 90% of words after 9 pages which are 40.91% of the book. At that page, you will know 56.70% of unique words.
analyze_book(finnegans, title="Finnegans Wake")
Number of Pages: 729 Number of Total Words: 218793 Number of Unique Words: 50872 You will know 90% of words after 387 pages which are 53.09% of the book. At that page, you will know 60.64% of unique words.
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《如果你需要知道一本书90%的词汇,你必须要读多少页?》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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马俊昌 / 机械工业出版社 / 2018-1-1 / 99
Java专家撰写,力求透彻讲解每个知识点,逐步建立编程知识图谱。本书以Java语言为例,由基础概念入手,到背后实现原理与逻辑,再到应用实践,融会贯通。 全书共六大部分,其要点如下。 第一部分(第1~2章)讲解计算机程序的基本执行流程与元素,以及数据背后的二进制表示,帮读者掌握编程的基本概念。 第二部分(第3~7章)讲解面向对象的编程原理与逻辑,涉及类、继承与多态、接口与抽象类、异......一起来看看 《Java编程的逻辑》 这本书的介绍吧!