A thread hierarchy management library in C

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:It's easy to get started withYour code that opens a pipe doesn't have to close it or do anything else after reading from it because

nthm -- Non-preemptive Thread Hierarchy Manager

Nthm (pronounced like "anthem") is a C library intended for applications involving dynamic hierarchies of threads creating other threads that would be difficult or impossible to plan at compile-time. It's especially appropriate when communication between threads fits a pattern of input data being sent to each thread on creation from the one that creates it and output being sent back to the creating thread on termination. While enabling some flexibility about synchronization, the API is simpler than direct use of pthreads primitives and might let some applications avoid explicit locking entirely. In any case, nthm helps you write portable code that puts multiple cores to work on heterogeneous workloads without taking too deep of a dive into concurrent programming.


It's easy to get started with nthm .


Your code that opens a pipe doesn't have to close it or do anything else after reading from it because nthm automatically reclaims the pipe. Nthm also keeps track of the pipes created by each thread and automatically reclaims any unread pipes when the thread exits. The code you launch in a thread doesn't have to write to a pipe explicitly. It returns normally as from a function call and the output it returns passes through the pipe that was opened when it started.

Reading from an individual pipe blocks the reader thread if necessary until the pipe's thread finishes. Using pipes that way would be not much different from using ordinary function calls. However, when multiple threads with varying workloads run concurrently, nthm helps you eliminate unnecessary blocking by reading from their pipes in whatever order they finish.

  • nthm_select returns the pipe from the next thread to finish running.

Threads managed by nthm are more like cattle than pets (as devops guys like to say). You can open a large number of pipes without referring to them individually by name or even storing them in an array because nthm_select knows where to find them.

Sometimes you might decide a thread has been running long enough already and you'd like it to finish up by approximating its result in some application-specific way.


You might decide a thread's services are no longer required and kill it instead of reading from it.


Threads are not killed preemptively. They can take as much time as needed to shut down cleanly after getting notified (as in releasing any resources they hold), and the thread that kills them doesn't get blocked during that time. The usual way for a thread to detect being killed is by polling nthm_killed , but if a thread can't poll because it's currently blocked trying to read from a pipe of its own, nthm unblocks it and reports the status in a return code from the read or select call. Although all unread pipes' threads are killed automatically when the thread that created them exits, the operation can be invoked explicitly at any time for the sake of memory management.

One last extra fancy thing you can do is reorganize the thread hierarchy on the fly.


By untethering a thread, you can send its pipe to any other thread, even to one not created by nthm_open , and read from it in the context of the receiving thread. An untethered thread is not automatically killed when the thread that created it exits or calls nthm_kill_all , and its pipe is ignored by nthm_select . However, you can make an untethered thread selectable and jointly killable by tethering it.

For full API documentation, refer to the nthm manual pages included with the installation. For coding examples, see the test directory.


Although nthm makes pipes easy to create and tear down dynamically, each individual pipe can be used at most once. There's no way to write to the same pipe more than once, and reading from the same pipe more than once will probably cause a segfault. If something needs to be done repeatedly, nthm is more conducive to a style of running the same routine with a fresh pipe each time. If you need something more complicated than that, nthm isn't for you.

Nthm doesn't magically make your code thread-safe. If the threads you create by nthm_open never share data or communicate except through the documented API, and if the only third party libraries they ever use are thread-safe, then you should be fine. However, if your code uses global variables or shared data in any form, you'll have to do your own locking. Nthm can be used alongside pthreads and other libraries such as Concurrency Kit .

Nthm knows nothing about memory allocated in your code. If you kill a thread or neglect to read from its pipe, nthm cleans up after itself but any heap-allocated result in the pipe persists. It doesn't matter that killing is non-preemptive. Although your code can poll nthm_killed and take appropriate action as long as it's still running, there's no remedy for being killed after exiting. Always read from any thread that returns a pointer to something it has allocated on the heap unless you like memory leaks.


Nthm runs on GNU/Linux and maybe other Unix-like systems with git and CMake. Optional but highly recommended for better performance are jemalloc or tcmalloc . Nthm will be configured for optional memory and thread safety tests that may take about half an hour to run if the Valgrind analysis tool is detected on the host system, and will be configured for a less thorough test suite otherwise. The following commands install the shared library, header file, manual pages, and README files at standard paths, normally under /usr/local so as not to antagonize your distro's package manager.

git clone https://github.com/gueststar/nthm
cd nthm
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make test             # optional
sudo make install

To uninstall, run sudo make uninstall from the original build directory or manually remove the files listed in the build directory's install_manifest.txt .


Nthm passed its tests the last time I checked, but it hasn't been used in anything like a production setting. I've been able to observe sporadic segfaults during the exit routine phase when it's linked with jemalloc and memory is deliberately constrained with ulimit -v , but the issue hasn't been reproducible with tcmalloc (the default configuration) or libc malloc , nor with unconstrained virtual memory.

Nevertheless, I'm just one guy and nthm could do with an independent review in case there are any unknown bugs remaining. To relieve some of the boredom, I've eliminated the usual suspects for memory and thread safety issues as an invitation to whoever might feel tempted to make a study of it. See CONTRIBUTING.md for more about the internals.


  • Why did you write this?

    I wrote it partly to use in an upcoming project, partly as an example of the kind of gigs I'm after, and partly for the challenge. Everybody with an opinion swears up and down that multithreaded code with shared data is practically impossible to get right except maybe by using the swearer's favorite language or framework.

  • Why didn't you [just] use Rust|Go|C++|Zig?

    The Rust standard library and the Go runtime allocate memory behind my back, pretend that memory allocation can never fail, and then drop my stuff on the floor when it fails as if it's all my fault. That's great for cute little programs that can be picked up again with no harm done whenever they fall over and for microservices in a sandbox with ten times more memory than they'll ever need, but not so good for anything that would inconvenience someone or reflect badly on me by crashing. Object orientation as in C++ confers no benefit on a project like this one. I have high hopes for Zig but I have yet to understand its standard library documentation.

  • You're [just] doing object oriented programming in C anyway even though you won't admit it.

    Yes, go on. There may be an epiphany in store for you if you carry this critique to its logical conclusion. (hint: It's all in your mind.)

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