After spending six days on the Monocypher scope during this June 2020 project, two members of the Cure53 team can confirm that the provided C code held well to their scrutiny. Few findings with limited severities evidence a good security premise of Monocypher. What is more, the code is exceptionally clean and demonstrates a clear focus on security features. It relates to typical targets around embedded environments, for instance by avoiding unnecessary memory allocations.
The findings highlight some exceptions linked to undocumented behavior (MON-01-001) and a minor lack of rigor in test vectors (MON-01-004). Beyond these, no serious issues were found in the Monocypher code itself. However, some issues were spotted in the cryptographic library design (see MON-01-005 and MON-01-002). Finally, the Monokex protocol suite’s specification was found to be lacking critical details on the behavior of its Message Authentication Codes (MON-01-006). In the same realm, Cure53 also points out the necessity to justify its relatively bareboned key derivation mechanism (MON-01- 003).
In conclusion, while the Monocypher code is well-written and supported by clean, documented code and a suitable amount of test vectors, the high-level design of the Monocypher’s developer-exposed API could use more refinement (MON-01-005), as could the specification of the Monokex suite of protocols (MON-01-006, MON-01-003). Since no issues of High- or Critical- severity could be spotted in the timeframe available for this audit, Cure53 concludes this 2020 assessment on a positive note.
Cure53 would like to thank Loup Vaillant-David who maintains Monocypher for his excellent project coordination, support and assistance, both before and during this assignment. Special gratitude needs to be extended to Open Technology Fund Washington for sponsoring this project.
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拉克唐瓦尔德 / 机械工业出版社 / 2004-9 / 59.00元
本书是关于数值方法和MATLAB的介绍,是针对高等院校理工科专业学生编写的教材。数值方法可以用来生成其他方法无法求解的问题的近似解。本书的主要目的是为应用计算打下坚实的基础,由简单到复杂讲述了标准数值方法在实际问题中的实现和应用。本书通篇使用良好的编程习惯向读者展示了如何清楚地表达计算思想及编制文档。书中通过给读者提供大量的可直接运行的代码库以及讲解MARLAB工具箱中内置函数使用的数量方法,帮助......一起来看看 《数值方法和MATLAB实现与应用》 这本书的介绍吧!