内容简介:JVM 的各種調校
看到「 JVM Anatomy Park 」這篇,作者是 Red Hat 裡 OpenJDK 團隊的人,寫了二十則與 JVM 效能相關的主題,裡面提到每則大約花五到十分鐘可以看完,不過我覺得應該會再久一點 (需要翻資料交叉查)。
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都是講效能相關的,從不同角度看。以第一個 Lock Coarsening and Loops 來說,已知這段程式碼:
synchronized (obj) { // statements 1 } synchronized (obj) { // statements 2 }
synchronized (obj) { // statements 1 // statements 2 }
for (...) { synchronized (obj) { // something } }
synchronized (this) { for (...) { // something } }
While lock coarsening does not work on the entire loop, another loop optimization — loop unrolling — sets up the stage for the regular lock coarsening, once the intermediate representation starts to look as if there are N adjacent lock-unlock sequences. This reaps the performance benefits, and helps to limit the scope of coarsening, to avoid over-coarsening over fat loops.
就大概是這樣的主題 XD 每天看個一兩篇慢慢消化還不錯...
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Hacker's Delight
Henry S. Warren Jr. / Addison-Wesley / 2002-7-27 / USD 59.99
A collection useful programming advice the author has collected over the years; small algorithms that make the programmer's task easier. * At long last, proven short-cuts to mastering difficult aspec......一起来看看 《Hacker's Delight》 这本书的介绍吧!