Foreign data wrappers: PostgreSQL's secret weapon?

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:This example (We will then integrate it with Splitgraph'sIn particular, we will be running a foreign data wrapper that queries the

Using a custom FDW with Splitgraph

This example ( source code on GitHub ) will show you how to write a customforeign data wrapper using Multicorn. Multicorn is a PostgreSQL extension that makes it possible to write foreign data wrappers in Python.

We will then integrate it with Splitgraph's sgr mount command. This will make it queryable from the Splitgraph engine and allow Splitgraph to use it inSplitfiles.

In particular, we will be running a foreign data wrapper that queries the Firebase Hacker News API . This will let us run SQL queries on the top, best and new stories from Hacker News, as well as Show HNs and Ask HNs.

This foreign data wrapper returns a list of rows from the remote database without performing any filtering. However, Multicorn also passes qualifiers and sort keys to the Python extension. This allows filtering to happen on the remote database as well, if it supports it.

To run this demo, you will need to have Docker and Docker Compose .

Clone the repository

Clone Splitgraph and go to the example project :

$ git clone $ cd splitgraph/examples/custom_fdw

The Compose stack consists of:

  • a custom version of theSplitgraph engine (with the FDW installed);
  • a small Python container with the sgr client .

The source code for the foreign data wrapper is in src/hn_fdw/ . The mount handler that exposes it to Splitgraph is in src/hn_fdw/ .

Start up the stack

Start the shell and initialize the engine. This will also build and start the engine container:

$ docker-compose run --rm sgr

$ sgr init
Initializing engine PostgresEngine LOCAL (sgr@engine:5432/splitgraph)...
Database splitgraph already exists, skipping
Ensuring the metadata schema at splitgraph_meta exists...
Running splitgraph_meta--0.0.1.sql
Running splitgraph_meta--0.0.1--0.0.2.sql
Running splitgraph_meta--0.0.2--0.0.3.sql
Installing Splitgraph API functions...
Installing CStore management functions...
Installing the audit trigger...
Engine PostgresEngine LOCAL (sgr@engine:5432/splitgraph) initialized.

Check the help for the HN mount handler:

$ sgr mount hackernews --help
Usage: sgr mount hackernews [OPTIONS] SCHEMA

      Mount a Hacker News story dataset using the Firebase API.

  -c, --connection TEXT       Connection string in the form

  -o, --handler-options TEXT  JSON-encoded dictionary of handler options:

                              endpoints: List of Firebase endpoints to mount,
                              mounted into the same tables as     the endpoint
                              name. Supported endpoints:

  --help                      Show this message and exit.

Mount the data and run some queries

Now, actually "mount" the dataset. This will create a series of foreign tables. When a PostgreSQL client queries these tables, the foreign data wrapper will forward the queries to the Firebase API:

$ sgr mount hackernews hackernews
Mounting topstories...
Mounting newstories...
Mounting beststories...
Mounting askstories...
Mounting showstories...
Mounting jobstories...

You can now run ordinary SQL queries against these tables:

$ sgr sql -s hackernews "SELECT id, title, url, score FROM topstories LIMIT 10"

23648942  Amazon to pay $1B+ for Zoox                                                                 55
23646158  When you type into Safari it takes you to                                                                               653
23648864  Turn recipe websites into plain text                                                                                                                                                           30
23644253  Olympus quits camera business after 84 years                                                                                                                                 548
23648217  Boston bans use of facial recognition technology                                                                                                        51
23646953  Curl                                                                                                                                                                            190
23646164  Quora goes permanently remote-first                                                                                                                            267
23646395  Dwarf Fortress Creator Explains Its Complexity and Origins [video]                                                                                                                152
23645305  Blackballed by PayPal, Sci-Hub switches to Bitcoin                                                                         479
23646028  The Acorn Archimedes was the first desktop to use the ARM architecture  111

PostgreSQL handles the actual query planning and filtering. The foreign data wrapper's job is to fetch records from the API. This setup supports any SQL syntax:

$ sgr sql -s hackernews "SELECT id, title, url, score FROM showstories ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 5"
23643096  Show HN: – A tiny Bash alternative to Ansible                   235
23626167  Show HN: HN Deck – An alternative way to browse Hacker News                     110
23640069  Show HN: Sourceful – Crowdsourcing the best public Google docs                            102
23627066  Show HN: Splitgraph - Build and share data with Postgres, inspired by Docker/Git                 79
23629125  Show HN: Deta – A cloud platform for building and deploying apps                              78

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






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