Just how much can you do with one line of CSS?

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

Just how much can you do with one line of CSS?

New in Chrome: A 'CSS Overview' Tab — This new experimental feature in Chrome looks really neat. It provides an overview of the CSS on a site, detailing colors, fonts, media queries and unused declarations.

Robin Rendle

What's New in CSS – July 2020 Edition — Rachel Andrew takes a look at some of the interesting CSS features that are making their way into browsers right now, including Flexbox gap support, the aspect ratio unit, and more.

Smashing Magazine

A Complete Guide to Dark Mode on the Web — Covers different options and approaches ( design, technical considerations, etc ) for implementing dark mode.

Mohamed Adhuham

Dark Ages of the Web: A Showcase of The "Old Internet" — A visual trip down memory lane covering many of the old web dev techniques and online trends from the early days of the web. Beware, some flashing animations on this page.

Pavel Laptev

▶   Ten Modern Layouts in One Line of CSS — A snappy and dynamic talk from Una Kravets highlighting how just a single-line of CSS can do “ some serious heavy lifting ” and build a robust modern layout. You can see them all in action here .

Google Chrome Developers

:zap:️ Quick bits:

:computer: Jobs

Find a Job Through Vettery — Use Vettery to connect with growing tech teams at startups and Fortune 500 companies.


Frontend Developer at X-Team (Remote) — Join the most energizing community for developers and work on projects for Riot Games, FOX, Sony, Coinbase, and more.


:information_source: Interested in running a job listing in Frontend Focus? There'smore info here.

:orange_book: News, Tutorials & Opinion

Creating a Menu Image Animation on Hover — How to create a hover effect for a menu where images appear with an animation on each item.

Mary Lou

Building the Tailwind Blog with Next.js — The Tailwind team talk about how they set up their blog and some challenges they faced, particularly some complexities around the choice to use MDX for content.

Adam Wathan

▶   Use the border-radius Property to Define Horizontal and Vertical Radius — A look at how to use CSS border-radius to create not only basic shapes but complex ones too.

Jehy Tompkins

Goodbye Squarespace. Hello Eleventy, Tailwind CSS and Netlify! — It’s great not only to see people transitioning to the Jamstack (we havea newsletter for that), but also to hear about some of the difficulties they faced in making that transition.

Sahil Parikh

:wrench: Code, Tools and Resources

Just how much can you do with one line of CSS?

Textures.js: SVG Textures for Data Visualization — Built on top of d3.js, this lets you bring together patterns and colors in an elegant and, dare we say, old school manner.

Riccardo Scalco

USA.css — Released to celebrate Independence Day, here’s an all-American stylesheet. Even if you have no need for US-related symbols and patterns, you might pick up something from how they're implemented.

Bennett Feely

Use Speedlify to Continuously Measure Site Performance — A new tool by Zach Leatherman that can run locally or on Netlify for running continuous performance measurements.

Zach Leatherman

Keyframes: A Simple CSS Animation Creator — Has a visual timeline to help create, view, and run animations without having to go back and forth between browser and editor.

Mitch Samuels

Image Extractor: Extract Images From Any Public Website — Works fast. Just enter a URL and all the images will be displayed in a gallery from where you can download all, or choose the ones you want ( for personal use only, of course ).


Hyperapp: The Tiny Framework for Building Web Interfaces — Claims to be 2x faster than React and comes in at less than 2KB.

Jorge Bucaran

Just how much can you do with one line of CSS?

Quik: Internet Explorer Support as a Service — Currently in private alpha. This tool runs a modern browser headlessly that then draws your website for anyone visiting on an old version of Internet Explorer. We're linking to this more because it's an interesting  idea.


Upcoming Events:

  • An Event Apart: Online Together — Human-Centered Design (July 20) — A single-day online conference with a focus on design for all users, not just some idealized average.
  • ForwardJS (July 20 - 24) — A virtual event, providing five days of workshops and talks to registrants from the comfort of their browser.
  • ViennaCalling (July 29) — An online meetup streamed on Twitch for "all who work on the web".
  • Frontcon (August 12 - 14) — A frontend conf based in Latvia that's now taking a hybrid approach , offering both online and on-site attendance options.

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