Fullstack Microservice Web App in Minutes

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:This article shows how to quickly prototype a web app that consists of the following main architecture components:We’re going to use the SMF framework, which helps generate the boilerplate code, connect the services and deploy them to AWS:

This article shows how to quickly prototype a web app that consists of the following main architecture components:

  • front-end service: NGINX web server + React.js app.
  • front-end CSS library: Bootstrap.
  • back-end service: Node.js + Express.js.
  • worker service.
  • database: MongoDB.
  • message broker: RabbitMQ.
  • Docker containers.
  • deployment to AWS EC2.

Fullstack Microservice Web App in Minutes

We’re going to use the SMF framework, which helps generate the boilerplate code, connect the services and deploy them to AWS:


The demo app code is available here:


Requirements: Node.js and Docker with Docker Compose installed locally.

Create project

Install SMF, create a new project and cd to the project directory:

$ npm install -g sokyra-microservice-factory
$ smf new test-app
$ cd test-app

Add back-end service

$ smf add service back-endSelect service template:
1) Basic worker
2) Back-end (Express.js)
3) Front-end (React.js)prompt: number:  2

Add MongoDB and RabbitMQ services, and the corresponding Node.js client libraries:

0) exit selection
1) (message broker) RabbitMQ
2) (database) Memcached
3) (database) MongoDB
4) (database) MySQL
5) (database) PostgreSQL
6) (database) Redis
7) (search engine) Elasticsearchprompt: number:  3Selected clients:
Select another client:0) exit selection
1) (message broker) RabbitMQ
2) (database) Memcached
3) (database) MongoDB
4) (database) MySQL
5) (database) PostgreSQL
6) (database) Redis
7) (search engine) Elasticsearchprompt: number:  1

Add front-end service

Create the front-end service, point it to the existing back-end one:

$ smf add service front-endSelect service template:
1) Basic worker
2) Back-end (Express.js)
3) Front-end (React.js)prompt: number:  3Select a back-end service to connect to:
1: demo
2: back-endprompt: number:  2

Add worker service

Create the worker service, add the RabbitMQ message broker support:

$ smf add service workerSelect service template:
1) Basic worker
2) Back-end (Express.js)
3) Front-end (React.js)prompt: number:  1==================================================Select third-party services clients that your service "worker" connects to (one at a time),0) exit selection
1) (message broker) RabbitMQ
2) (database) Memcached
3) (database) MongoDB
4) (database) MySQL
5) (database) PostgreSQL
6) (database) Redis
7) (search engine) Elasticsearchprompt: number:  1

At this point all the boilerplate code modules and config files for the services and Docker stack are ready.

Run app

Let’s start our services and see how they work:

$ smf up

SMF builds Docker images and start containers. When they are running, we can check our web app in a browser:



Fullstack Microservice Web App in Minutes

What we see is a React.js / Bootstrap CSS application that receives the data from the back-end service.

We can also check what Docker containers are running behind the scenes:

$ docker ps

Here we see the front-end, back-end, worker, and demo services (added by default and can me removed), as well as MongoDB database and RabbitMQ message broker:

After we’re done with the testing, we can shut down the app (stop the Docker containers):

$ smf down

Project structure

Let’s inspect what we’ve got auto-generated out of the box so far… All the services code lives in one repo:

Fullstack Microservice Web App in Minutes

The other important modules are:

  • smf-stack.json: project config.
  • smf-env.json: environment variables.
  • smf-deploy.json: deployment config.

Back-end structure

Fullstack Microservice Web App in Minutes

The entry point module main.ts does the following:


Front-end structure

Fullstack Microservice Web App in Minutes

The main modules here are:

  • Dockerfile: builds the service image with NGINX web server embedded.
  • nginx.conf: web server config.
  • ./app folder: React.js application.
  • ./app/src/App.js: main app module with routing.
  • ./app/src/Api.js: API client.
  • ./app/src/pages: Home, Kittens and NotFound pages.
  • ./app/src/components: flash (alerts, errors, etc.) and navigation modules.

Worker structure

Fullstack Microservice Web App in Minutes

The main module shows how to work with shared modules and exchange demo messages with the message broker:

Fetch data from database

So far our back-end API returns the hard-coded demo data, see ./services/back-end/routes/kittens.ts :

Let’s replace this logic with fetching the data from our kittens db collection:

Start the app again and see the db data on UI:

$ smf up


Fullstack Microservice Web App in Minutes

Message broker

At this point, the back-end & worker services exchange demo messages using the demo.* RabbitMQ channel. If you need to send some extra asynchronous jobs, you can establish an extra channel:

Develop / debug mode

Back-end: stop the Docker container, prepare SMF debug config:

$ docker stop test-app-back-end
$ smf debug back-end

Then open the project in VSCode and use “Start Debugging” menu (hit F5).

Front-end: start the React app, non-containerized:

$ docker stop test-app-front-end
$ cd services/front-end/app
$ npm start


It’s easy to deploy our project to a remote server which has Docker & Docker-Compose installed. If you don’t have one so far, you can create it in Amazon AWS EC2 using the following simple instruction:


Docker Hub account is also required. You can sign up for free here if it’s missing:


Open smf-deploy.json file in the editor and fill in the Docker Hub login/password, host address, and remote machine SSH credentials (ssh key path). Replace the EC2 public host name in BUILD_REACT_APP_API_URL :

Fullstack Microservice Web App in Minutes

Run this command to deploy the project:

$ smf deploy

Ssh to the remote machine and see our microservices running there:

$ ssh -i "/Users/me/.ssh/aws-key.pem" ubuntu@ec2-x-x-x-x.compute1.amazonaws.com$ docker ps
(gives the list of services)

Open the deployed web app in the browser (specify your EC2 host name):



Congrats, you have a working prototype of a containerized microservice web app in the cloud!

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






史册 / 化学工业出版社 / 2015-1-1 / 39.80元

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