State Management for emotionally overwhelmed React rookies

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:State Management for overwhelmed React rookiesThe topic of React state management is nowhere near new. Just to be safe what we‘re talking about here: Consider a multitude of components, which, in nice React-fashion, are finely interleaved into each other,

State Management for overwhelmed React rookies

The topic of React state management is nowhere near new. Just to be safe what we‘re talking about here: Consider a multitude of components, which, in nice React-fashion, are finely interleaved into each other, each one with a Single Responsibility, each one only holding as much information as it needs. Depending on the complexity of your application, there can now be a lot of complex dependencies, where one small component somewhere might cause another small component totally-elsewhere to update (re-render), without these having to really know much about each other, because we strive for Low Coupling. In front-end development, this is not only done in terms of „cleaner code“, but also in the performance problem of having to re-render stuff that is not actually changing.

So, just a few months back, a new competitor appeared in the question of React state management, which was open-sourced by Facebook and is called Recoil. The older top dog in this field is the widely-used Redux, with smaller interventions of libraries like MobX, that also aimed to offer an alternative of managing state in smaller applications, and when React in version 16.3 opened up a new standard of Context API, it already officially advanced quite a step into the direction of an official React solution to these questions.

There‘s probably not a single web developer on earth who wouldn‘t agree that in our field, one of the most fun …fundamental challenges is the effort of staying afloat on top of the turbulent JavaScript-osphere. If you are the type of person who doesn‘t want to jump on every bandwagon, but still don‘t want to miss out on all the amazing opportunities that all this progress could give you, you better start a bunch of side projects (call them „recreational“ if you like) and give yourself a chance to dive into particular technologies with confined scope, for some research time.

This is what I‘ve done now and I try to focus completely on the issues that an ambitious developer can experience when having all these choices. This is what I want to outline for you now, because as usual – if you have lots of time studying a single technology, you can succeed in spite of many limitations, and you also get used to certain kinds of things you might have to do that you originally didn‘t want to do, and so on and so on.

So with Redux, nobody really appeared to talk a lot of bad things about it and there even are some Mariuses who seem to be absolutely in love with the official Redux documentation, that are actually more of a guide to time-tested Best Practices, giving you the opportunity to do things right and have a scaleable state container which supports you even if your application grows to large dimensions. Then there‘s stuff like a time-travelling state debugger and the flexible middleware integration which I didn‘t even touch yet. When your project has a number of unrelated data structures, there‘s the Ducks pattern that advises you to organize your required Reducers, Actions and Action Creators in a coherently arranged files. Which, however, turned complicated in my one project in which the types of data objects aren‘t as unrelated, and I had to remove all the combineReducer() logic and ended up with one large global state object; I now have one source file that just consists of everything-related-with-redux and for my purpose, this seems fine, but I still have to write rather cumbersome connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps) structure in every component in which I want to access the state. I would prefer to have smaller state containers, but maybe it‘s due to the structure of my project that makes these complicated.

It really is that way: Due to the everchanging recommendations that come with the evolution of React, the question of how to do things best (read: best for your specific purpose ), always stays fresh. Since React 16.8 and the arrival of Hooks there is a procession towards less boilerplate code, favoring functional components with a leaner appearance. In this spirit, I strived for something less Redux-y. E.g. if I want some text in my state to be set; I would have to do something like

// ./ducks/TextDucks.js
// avoid having to rely on a magical string, therefore save the string to a constant
const SET_TEXT = 'SET_TEXT'; 

// action creator
export const setTextCreator = (text) ==> ({type: CLEAR_TEXT, payload: {text}});

const Reducer = (state = initialState, {type, payload}) => {
  //... other state stuff
  if (type === SET_TEXT) {
    return {...state, text: payload.text};

// Component file
import {setTextCreator} from './ducks/TextDucks.js';
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({
  setText: text => dispatch(setTextCreator(text));
const Component = ({setText, ...}) => {
  // here can I actually use setText()
export default connect(..., mapDispatchToProps)(Component);

Which is more organized than passing along some setText(‘‘) function through my whole component tree, but still feels a bit overhead.

Then there was MobX. Which seemed to be quite lightweight and clearly laid out a coherent use of the Observable pattern, implemented with its own JavaScript decorators that follow a simple structure. Still, however, the lookandfeel of this code would appear to differ quite a lot from my usual coding style, which kept me from actually using it. This decision was then advanced by certain statements online, who, some years ago, actually predicted that the advancement of React’s own Context API would make any third-party library redundant. Now to be fair, React’s current Context API, with its useReducer() and useContext() also makes it possible to imiate a Redux-like structure already, but consider it as ways of thinking: If you write your code in the same style as you would with Redux’ recommendations, why not use it directly? Clearly, the point of avoiding Redux should go towards the direction of thinking differently.

The Context API actually supplies the underlying structure on which Redux’ own <Provider> builds. Insofar, it is not a big astonishment that you can accomplish similar things with it. Using the Context API, you wrap your whole Application like

// myContext.js
import React from "react";
const TextContext = React.createContext();
export default TextContext;

// App.js
import TextContext from './myContext';
const App = () => <TextContext.Provider value={"initial text"}>{/* actual app components here */}</TextContext.Provider>;

// some subComponent.js
import React from 'react';
import TextContext fom './myContext';
const SubComponent = (props) => {
  const [text, setText] = React.useContext(TextContext);
  // now use setText() as you would with a local React useState dispatch function..

Personally, I found that arrangement a bit clearer than the Redux structure, if you ‘re not used to Redux’ way of thinking anyway. However, if your state grows and is more than just a text, you would either keep state information in one large object again, or wrap your <App/> in a ton of different Contexts which I personally disdained already when I just had three different global state variables to manage.

Having all these possbilities at hand, one might wonder why Facebook felt the need to implement a new way of state management with Recoil. Recoil is still in its experimental phase, however, it didn’t take long to find one aspect very promising: The coding style of managing state in Recoil feels a lot like writing React code itself, which itself makes it very smooth to operate, as you don’t have to treat global state much different than local state. Our example would look like this

// textState.js
import * as Recoil from 'recoil';
export const text = Recoil.atom({key: 'someUniqueKey', default: 'inital text'});

// App.js
import {RecoilRoot} from 'recoil';
const App = () => <RecoilRoot>{/* here the actual app components */}</RecoilRoot>

// some Component.js
import * as TextState from './textState';
const [text, setText] = Recoil.useRecoilState(TextState.text);
// from then on, you can use setText() like you would as a React useState dispatch function

Even more simple, with Recoil you directly have access to the single useRecoilValue() function to just read the text value, and the single useSetRecoilState() function to just dispatch a new text. This avoids the complication of having to re-think your treating of whatever-in-your-state-is-global differently from what is local. Your <App/> component doesn’t grow to ugly levels of intendation, and you can neatly organize everything state-related in a separate file.

As someone who considers himself quite eager to learn new technologies, but also wants to quickly see some results without having to learn a lot of fresh basic understanding first, I had the most fun trying out Recoil in my projects, I have to admit. However, I totally believe that the demise of Redux is not closing in that soon at all, due to its focus on sustainability. For the future, I would aim to see my one Recoil project grow, and I keep you updated on how well this grows…

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