Medium writers you should follow as an aspiring Data Scientist
My top 10 favorite Data Science Bloggers that will make your learning journey easier.
Jul 3 ·5min read
This is my list of 10 Data Science writers/influencers that I follow. And yes, I follow and read the work of other people as well but if I had to narrow it down top 10 only, that would be the list.
I am sharing this because I believe that all aspiring Data Scientists would benefit greatly by reading their articles as well.
The list consists mainly of Medium writers. I have added one non Medium blogger at the end as I believe his work complements the rest of the list really well.
I have organized the list so you can link directly to the writer's page. Additionally, I have added my favorite article from each author and a short description of why I think their work is exceptional.
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[美] 丽贝卡·戈尔茨坦 / 李鹏程 / 中信出版集团·新思文化 / 2017-12-10 / 69.00元
我愿意用我所有的科技去换取和苏格拉底相处的一个下午。 ——史蒂夫•乔布斯 谷歌时代,科技昌明,众声喧哗,哲学提出的许多问题,科学似乎都已经给出了答案。若是如此,为什么我们今天还需要哲学?这个由古希腊城邦时代的哲人苏格拉底和柏拉图开创的学科,真的过时了吗? 已经2400岁 的柏拉图对此有话要说。哲学家兼小说家、美国国家人文奖章获得者戈尔茨坦史海钩沉,从经典著作中复活了柏拉图,让他来......一起来看看 《谷歌时代的柏拉图》 这本书的介绍吧!