Medium writers you should follow as an aspiring Data Scientist
My top 10 favorite Data Science Bloggers that will make your learning journey easier.
Jul 3 ·5min read
This is my list of 10 Data Science writers/influencers that I follow. And yes, I follow and read the work of other people as well but if I had to narrow it down top 10 only, that would be the list.
I am sharing this because I believe that all aspiring Data Scientists would benefit greatly by reading their articles as well.
The list consists mainly of Medium writers. I have added one non Medium blogger at the end as I believe his work complements the rest of the list really well.
I have organized the list so you can link directly to the writer's page. Additionally, I have added my favorite article from each author and a short description of why I think their work is exceptional.
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[美] 琳达·哥乔斯(Linda Gorchels) / 祝亚雄、冯华丽、金骆彬 / 机械工业出版社 / 2017-8 / 65.00
产品经理的职责起点是新产品开发,贯穿产品生命周期的全过程。本书按上下游产品管理进行组织。 在上游的新产品开发流程中,作者阐述了如何从市场、产品、行业、公司的角度规划企划方案,并获得老板、销售部、运营部的资源支持,推进新产品的项目流程,实现所有目标,制定和实施新产品发布。 下游产品的管理核心在于生命周期的管理,营销更是生命周期管理的重中之重。产品经理如何让产品满足客户需求,让客户获得对产......一起来看看 《产品经理手册(原书第4版)(白金版)》 这本书的介绍吧!