Super Productivity –To-do list & time tracker for programmers

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Organize your daily tasks at one place while making time tracking a lot less annoying. Super Productivity is a ToDo List / Time Tracker / Personal Jira Task Manager for Linux, MacOS and Windows aimed at reducing the time you spend with repetitive tasks and
Super Productivity –To-do list & time tracker for programmers

Super Productivity –To-do list & time tracker for programmers

Organize your daily tasks at one place while making time tracking a lot less annoying. Super Productivity is a ToDo List / Time Tracker / Personal Jira Task Manager for Linux, MacOS and Windows aimed at reducing the time you spend with repetitive tasks and to provide you with a place to collect all the information you need to do your job.

:globe_with_meridians: Open Web App or :computer: Download

:heavy_check_mark: Features

  • Plan, track & summarize . Create time sheets and work summaries in a breeze to easily export them to your companies time tracking system.
  • Integrate with Jira , Github and Gitlab . Auto import tasks assigned to you, plan the details locally, automatically create worklogs and get notified right away, when something changes.
  • Organize your project's data. Create notes , attach files or create bookmarks for links, files and even commands and have it all out of the way, once you're ready for the weekend.
  • Helps you to establish healthy habits . A break timer reminds to you, when it's time to step away. You also can collect personal metrics for yourself to see, which of your work routines need adjustments.
  • Stuck and procrastinating? No problem! Super Productivity's anti procrastination feature helps you to reconsider your options and a pomodoro timer is also always at hand.
  • Super Productivity does NOT collect any data and there are no user accounts or registration. It's free and open source and always will be.

And much more!

Super Productivity –To-do list & time tracker for programmers

:question: How to use it

I wrote a little article on how I use the app. There is also a youtube video available .

:globe_with_meridians: Web Version

Check out the It is a little bit more limited: Time tracking only works if the app is open and idle time tracking is disabled if the chrome extension is not installed.

If you want the Jira Integration and idle time tracking to work you have also to download and install the Super Productivity Chrome Extension .

:computer: Downloads & Install

All Platforms

Install from the releases page .


Due to certification issues it's recommended to download from the Microsoft Store:

Super Productivity –To-do list & time tracker for programmers


# stable
sudo snap install superproductivity

# edge channel releases
 sudo snap install --channel=edge superproductivity


Install via homebrew cask :

brew cask install superproductivity


There is a very early(!) Android version available . The sources can be found here .

:hearts: Contributing

There are several ways to help.

  1. Spread the word:More users means more possible people testing and contributing to the app which in turn means better stability and possibly more and better features. You can vote for Super Productivity on Product Hunt , Softpedia or on AlternativeTo , you can, share it onor. Every little bit helps !

  2. Make a feature or improvement request : Something can be be done better? Something essential missing? Let us know!

  3. Report bugs

  4. Contribute: You don't have to be programmer to help. Some of the icons really need improvement and many of the translations could use some love.

Pull Requests

Pull requestsare of course very welcome! Please make sure that you're following the angular commit guidelines and to also include the issue number in your commit message, if you're fixing a particular issue (e.g.: feat: add nice feature with the number #31 ).

Running the development server

To run the development server you need to have node installed at least in the version 10. Go to for installation instructions.

Clone repo

git clone

Install dependencies

cd super-productivity
npm install
npm install -g @angular/cli

Run the dev server

ng serve

Afterwards you can open http://localhost:4200 in your browser. For most adjustments this should be enough and also enables you to use the redux dev tools .

If you want to run the app standalone do the following:

ng serve

# in a new console tab
npm start

Packaging the app

Packaging the app is done via electron-builder . To start packaging run yarn dist . If you want to add new platforms and experiment with the build options the easiest way to do so is manipulating the build property in the package.json , but you can also use the command line interface of electron builder .

Setup WebDAV Syncing

When starting the app via the command line the path to where emergency backups are saved is printed out to the command line. Just take away the /backup sub folder from the path and use the remaining path to sync via the cloud.

Using a custom folder to save user data

You can specify a custom folder for saving your data by starting the application with the --user-data-dir parameter like so:

superproductivity --user-data-dir=/path/to/my/data

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






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