What's new in Chrome and Firefox for devs, plus what's on the horizon for Safari

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

What's new in Chrome and Firefox for devs, plus what's on the horizon for Safari

▶   Google's web.dev LIVE Event is On Now — It started yesterday but Google is running a three day (June 30-July 2) online event focused on the Web development community covering new tooling and techniques. If you want to watch the talks from yesterday, they’reall here.


When Sass and New CSS Features Collide — CSS has added plenty of cool new features (such as custom properties) of late, but they don’t come without their own problems. Here, Ana Tudor explains why she still finds preprocessors, like Sass, necessary.

CSS Tricks

What's new in Chrome and Firefox for devs, plus what's on the horizon for Safari

Easily Create and Embed Data Visualizations with Logi Composer — Logi Composer is the first out-of-the-box development experience for embedded analytics. Watch this webinar to learn how you can easily create, customize, and embed data visualizations, and maintain complete control over the end-user experience.

Logi Analytics sponsor

What's New In DevTools in Chrome 85 — Style editing for CSS-in-JS frameworks, Lighthouse 6.0, support for new JavaScript features, and more.

Jecelyn Yeen (Google Developers)

▶   What's New for Web Developers in Safari & WebKit — A 40-minute video looking at the latest features and improvements announced at WWDC for Safari and WebKit, including updated web APIs, CSS and media features, JavaScript syntax, and more. This video looking at changes to the Safari Web Inspector is also worth a look.

Jon Davis (Apple)

New in Firefox 78: DevTools Improvements and Abundant Web Platform Updates — Version 78 landed yesterday, bringing with it a new regex engine, updates to the ECMAScript Intl API, new CSS selectors, enhanced support for WebAssembly, and many improvements to the dev tools. These are the highlights, but if you want to dig into the full list of developer-facing changes,that’s here.

Florian Scholz, Harald Kirschner (Mozilla)

:zap:️ Quick bits:

:computer: Jobs

Frontend Developer at X-Team (Remote) — Join the most energizing community for developers and work on projects for Riot Games, FOX, Sony, Coinbase, and more.


Find a Job Through Vettery — Use Vettery to connect with growing tech teams at startups and Fortune 500 companies.


:information_source: Interested in running a job listing in Frontend Focus? There'smore info here.

:orange_book: News, Tutorials & Opinion

Improving HTTP with Structured Header Fields — Highlights the benefits of the new Structured Fields library — a collection of well-defined data types designed to help assure interoperability, remove some HTTP header headaches, and introduce some network level performance gains.

Mark Nottingham

▶   What Is CUBE CSS? (Smashing Podcast Episode 19) — Drew McLellan talks to Andy Bell, the creator of CUBE CSS, to find out how this CSS methodology differs from BEM, SMACSS, and OOCSS.

Smashing Magazine podcast

Using the Chrome UX Report API — Learn how to use the recently released Chrome UX Report API to get easy, RESTful access to real-user experience data across millions of websites (and compare your Core Web Vitals measurements).

Rick Viscomi and Shane Exterkamp

A Lightning-Speed Overview of Svelte — A quick way to learn the core parts of JavaScript framework Svelte.

Per Harald Borgen

How to Dynamically Get All CSS Custom Properties on a Page — Some fun DOM and stylesheet wrangling on display here.

Tyler Gaw

:wrench: Code, Tools and Resources

What's new in Chrome and Firefox for devs, plus what's on the horizon for Safari

emoji-picker-element: A Lightweight Emoji Picker for the Modern Web —See a live demo here. Some cool performance advantages for this: It’s a web component and it’s built on Svelte and IndexedDB.

Nolan Lawson

Bootstrap Icons Alpha 5 — The fifth and final alpha release of Bootstrap Icons, featuring 300 new glyphs (taking the total past 1,000 icons).

Mark Otto, Jacob Thornton, and Bootstrap contributors

Tragopan: A Minimal Dependency-Free Pan/Zoom Library —Try it out here. Claims to work faster due to use of native browser scrolling for panning (left/right/up/down) and transform/scale for zooming.


Stitches: An Atomic CSS-in-JS Library — Another option in the CSS-in-JS world that includes abstractions for React, Vue, and Tailwind UI.

Christian Alfoni

What's new in Chrome and Firefox for devs, plus what's on the horizon for Safari

Checkboxland: Render 'Anything' as HTML Checkboxes — This frivolous experiment is equal parts terrifying and impressive. It’s a JS library that displays animations, text, and arbitrary data using nothing but HTML checkboxes and, to be fair, they’ve presented it really well!

Bryan Braun

How to Target Email Clients — A crowdsourced list of email development techniques for singling out email clients and platforms.

Dylan Smith

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






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