
栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:COVID-19 SHIPPING The shipping industry is experience delays worldwide. Please be patient for reception of your package. Untracked packages to Europe can take 6 weeks. I have added tracking options...

COVID-19 SHIPPING The shipping industry is experience delays worldwide. Please be patient for reception of your package. Untracked packages to Europe can take 6 weeks. I have added tracking options...


The shipping industry is experience delays worldwide. Please be patient for reception of your package. Untracked packages to Europe can take 6 weeks. I have added tracking options which have faster delivery standards and tracking information, although those still might face delays.


Megadesk is an AVR based, open source, drop in controller for the IKEA Bekant standing desks.

The Bekant is a relatively inexpensive motorized standing desk. It doesn't come with memory positions.

I wanted to have memory positions for easily switching between various work positions. I also didn't want to be limited to just 2 positions. However, as I went through the process, I realized the hardest part was designing the enclosure. 3D Printing is a great option, but lacks that professional look, and limits the availability to those with printers. Additionally, getting custom membrane buttons that would look good was also extremely expensive. Simple push-buttons would take away from the look of the desk.

By targeting the factory enclosure, it keeps the original look and robustness, while adding functionality.

Fully Assembled

All assembled versions are tested before shipping. See my testing rig in action!


  • Holding Up/Down moves the desk just like the OEM version.
  • Memory recall is done by short clicking the UP button. To recall memory position 3, you would push the up button 3 times. 3 beeps will be played back (representing memory position 3), and the desk will move to that position.
  • Memory store is done by clicking the UP button for the memory position you wish to save, but HOLDING the last click. To save memory position 3, you would push the up button twice rapidly, and on the 3rd press, hold it until 3 beeps are heard. The number of beeps represents which memory position it saved in.
  • There is no practical limit to the number of memory, although the AVR will have a hard limit if you get into the tens of positions. (Memory #1 does not exist, as holding the UP button is for moving the desk manually)
  • The DOWN button can be pushed at any time to interrupt movement during a memory recall.
  • Recalling Memory 16 (pushing UP 16 times) is reserved for toggling the firmware to support the larger BEKANT version. A series of tones will be played.


Unplug the existing controller from the desk.

You will need to carefully pry apart the grey plastic enclosure. It has 3-4 attachment points, after that it is fairly easy. Scoring the seams with a sharp blade can help. Also, once re-assembled, the topside portion will not be visible, so minor cosmetic damage will not be seen.

Carefully remove the ribbon cable from the existing connector.

If you are using your existing cable, you will need to remove it and connect it to the board, respecting the polarity. It is HIGHLY recommended you test the positive, ground and LIN bus wires in case they differ between countries, revision dates, color blindness, etc.

If you have ordered a pre-made cable, connect the cable to the header. The red wire goes to the same side as the flat ribbon cable. Reversing the connector will not cause damage to the unit - it will simply not power up.

Carefully insert the flat ribbon cable into the megadesk board, ensuring it is seat as far back as possible.

Connect the control unit back to the desk. When power is applied, you should hear a series of 4 beeps, rising in tone.

Test out the buttons, and enjoy having near-unlimited memory positions on your desk! You can use a small piece of tape or a dab of adhesive to keep the lid on the control unit, but it will be held in place once screwed back on the desk.


Almost all issues I find are solved by one of the following

  • Try unplugging the desk from the wall and plugging it back in (With megadesk connected)
  • Alternatively, try disconnecting megadesk, removing power from the desk, adding power, and then re-connecting megadesk

I believe there can be occasional startup issues when losing power which also apply to first time power-up.

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






黎万强 / 中信出版社 / 2014-8 / 56.00元

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