Build a Hamilton Song Recommendation SMS Bot with Machine Learning

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Wow, that's a lot of code. Let's break it down.We import

Build a Hamilton Song Recommendation SMS Bot with Machine Learning

Hamilton the Musical  will start streaming on Disney Plus this Friday, so happy Hamilfilm week! To celebrate, learn how to build a SMS chatbot that recommends the Hamilton song most relevant to you right now using Twilio Programmable SMS and Functions, Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services , and JavaScript.

See it in-action: text how you’re feeling to +13364295064 . The longer and more descriptive your message is, the more data the app has to analyze what Hamilton song you need now!

Build a Hamilton Song Recommendation SMS Bot with Machine Learning

Prerequisites and setting up Azure Cognitive Services

To follow along with this post, you need three things:

To use Azure Cognitive Services, you will need an Azure key and endpoint . Follow the directions here to create a Cognitive Services resource using the Azure services portal .

Build a Hamilton Song Recommendation SMS Bot with Machine Learning

After filling out the Resource, click Create . Once your Resource deploys, click Go to resource . You should see your endpoint and key in the quickstart pane that opens, or you can also click Keys and Endpoint beneath Resource Management on the left-hand pane.

Build a Hamilton Song Recommendation SMS Bot with Machine Learning

If you are shown two keys, you will only need the first one which we will now configure to be the value for an environment variable.

Configure a Twilio Function with Azure

Configure your Twilio Functions with your Azure endpoint and key as environment variables from the last step.

Build a Hamilton Song Recommendation SMS Bot with Machine Learning

Then add the dependencies @azure/ai-text-analytics 1.0.0 and whichx * as shown below. This post will also use Whichx , a naive Bayesian classifier that can succinctly and cleanly analyze data. You can read more on Naive Bayes here .

Build a Hamilton Song Recommendation SMS Bot with Machine Learning

Click Save and you can now use Azure AI Text Analytics and reference your Azure endpoint and key in any of your Twilio Functions!

Make a Twilio Function

On the left-hand panel underneath Functions , click Manage . To make a new Function, click the red plus button and then select a Blank template followed by Create .

Build a Hamilton Song Recommendation SMS Bot with Machine Learning

Give your Function a name like "What Ham Song do you need" and a path, like "/hamilfilm".

Build a Hamilton Song Recommendation SMS Bot with Machine Learning

Analyze an inbound SMS using Azure Cognitive Services and Naive Bayes with Node.js

Replace the Function code with the following:

const { TextAnalyticsClient, AzureKeyCredential } = require("@azure/ai-text-analytics");
const WhichX = require("whichx");
exports.handler = async function(context, event, callback) {
        let twiml = new Twilio.twiml.MessagingResponse();
        const key = context.AZURE_KEY_HAMILFILM;
        const endpoint = context.AZURE_ENDPOINT_HAMILFILM;
        const textAnalyticsClient = new TextAnalyticsClient(endpoint,  new AzureKeyCredential(key));
        const input = [
        const songs = {
        "non-stop": {
            desc: "Do not assume you are the smartest in the room. Time to do some work.",
            link: ""
        "wait for it": {
            desc: "Good things take time. You will get praise and validation soon. If you're doubting yourself, just keep going. You are inimitable, an original.",
            link: ""
        "schuyler sisters": {
            desc: "Girl power! You are empowered and thus empower others. Keep your siblings close. You may be looking for a significant other, a friend, a peer, or a general mind at work.",
            link: ""
        "dear theodosia": {
            desc: "you get all emotional and teary over your kid or your pet. They are cute, young, innocent, and have their whole lives ahead of them, which you will make better.",
            link: ""
        "story of tonight": {
            desc: "You are feeling emotional over what you, your friends, and your family will do in the future. The night is still young. You can all do so much and change the world!",
            link: ""
        "my shot": {
            desc: "life is tough but you are tougher. All you need is one chance, one shot per se, and here is the motivation you need to accomplish anything.",
            link: ""
        "alexander hamilton": {
            desc: "You don't get the hype over Hamilton. Hamilton may be new to you. This song will sum it up succinctly for you and you'll learn some history too.",
            link: ""
    const sentimentResult = await textAnalyticsClient.analyzeSentiment(input);
    let sentiment, pos, neg, neutral, max;
    sentimentResult.forEach(document => {
        console.log(`ID: ${}`);
        console.log(`Document Sentiment: ${document.sentiment}`);
        console.log(`Positive: ${document.confidenceScores.positive.toFixed(2)} Negative: ${document.confidenceScores.negative.toFixed(2)} Neutral: ${document.confidenceScores.neutral.toFixed(2)}`);
        document.sentences.forEach(sentence => {
            sentiment = sentence.sentiment;
            console.log(`Sentence sentiment: ${sentiment}`);
            pos = sentence.confidenceScores.positive.toFixed(2);
            neg = sentence.confidenceScores.negative.toFixed(2);
            neutral = sentence.confidenceScores.neutral.toFixed(2);
            var obj = {"positive": pos, "negative": neg, "neutral": neutral};
            max = Object.keys(obj).reduce((a, b) => obj[a] > obj[b] ? a : b);
    //Build our Bayesian model
    var whichfw = new WhichX();
     whichfw.addLabels(["non-stop", "wait for it", "schuyler sisters", "dear theodosia", "story of tonight", "my shot", "alexander hamilton"]);
    Object.keys(songs).forEach((s) => { whichfw.addData(s.toLowerCase(), songs[s].desc) } );
    const song = whichfw.classify(event.Body); 
    const reasonWhySong = songs[song].desc;
    const link = songs[song].link;
    twiml.message(`You seem to be feeling ${max}. ${reasonWhySong} We recommend listening to ${song} right now: ${link}`);
    callback(null, twiml);

Wow, that's a lot of code. Let's break it down.

We import Azure AI Text Analytics and WhichX at the top with:

const { TextAnalyticsClient, AzureKeyCredential } = require("@azure/ai-text-analytics");
const WhichX = require("whichx");

Then we make our Function asynchronous to give the Function more time to analyze the inbound SMS input, make a MessagingResponse object that we will later return as an outbound SMS, create variables referencing our Azure endpoint and key environment variables, and pass them to textAnalyticsClient . Lastly, we pass in the inbound text message body to an array input .

exports.handler = async function(context, event, callback) {
        let twiml = new Twilio.twiml.MessagingResponse();
        const key = context.AZURE_KEY_HAMILFILM;
        const endpoint = context.AZURE_ENDPOINT_HAMILFILM;
        const textAnalyticsClient = new TextAnalyticsClient(endpoint,  new AzureKeyCredential(key));
        const input = [

Next we make the key-value object holding the collection of Hamilton songs the user can be classified as. Each song has a brief corresponding description the classifier will attempt to match to according to the inbound SMS.

const songs = {
    "non-stop": {
                desc: "Do not assume you are the smartest in the room. Time to do some work.",
                link: ""

Now we call our client's analyzeSentiment method, which returns a SentimentBatchResult object, and create some global variables.

const sentimentResult = await textAnalyticsClient.analyzeSentiment(input);
let sentiment, pos, neg, neutral, max;

Iterate through the list of results, and print each document's ID and document-level sentiment (analyzes the whole text) with confidence scores. For each document, result contains sentence-level sentiment (analyzes just a sentence) along with confidence scores (percent confident the model is that the sentiment is positive, negative, or neutral) and more information that we do not need for this post. Lastly, we find the key (positive, negative, or neutral) that has the highest confidence level value.

sentimentResult.forEach(document => {
        console.log(`ID: ${}`);
        console.log(`Document Sentiment: ${document.sentiment}`);
        console.log(`Positive: ${document.confidenceScores.positive.toFixed(2)} Negative: ${document.confidenceScores.negative.toFixed(2)} Neutral: ${document.confidenceScores.neutral.toFixed(2)}`);
        document.sentences.forEach(sentence => {
            sentiment = sentence.sentiment;
            console.log(`Sentence sentiment: ${sentiment}`);
            pos = sentence.confidenceScores.positive.toFixed(2);
            neg = sentence.confidenceScores.negative.toFixed(2);
            neutral = sentence.confidenceScores.neutral.toFixed(2);
            var obj = {"positive": pos, "negative": neg, "neutral": neutral};
            max = Object.keys(obj).reduce((a, b) => obj[a] > obj[b] ? a : b);

Finally, we build our naive Bayesian classifier, using it to classify the inbound text according to Hamilton songs by adding the labels of the Hamilton songs we want to classify. You could build a classifier in a variety of ways, but this is a succinct way to do so.

 //Build our Bayesian model
    var whichfw = new WhichX();
    whichfw.addLabels(["non-stop", "wait for it", "schuyler sisters", "dear theodosia", "story of tonight", "my shot", "alexander hamilton"]);
    Object.keys(songs).forEach((s) => { whichfw.addData(s.toLowerCase(), songs[s].desc) } );
    const song = whichfw.classify(event.Body); 
    const reasonWhySong = songs[song].desc;
    const link = songs[song].link;
    twiml.message(`You seem to be feeling ${max}. ${reasonWhySong} We recommend listening to ${song} right now: ${link}`);
    callback(null, twiml);

Save your Function. You can view the complete code on GitHub here . Let's now configure a Twilio phone number to analyze texts using IBM Watson.

Configure your Twilio Phone Number with a Twilio Function

If you don't have a Twilio number yet, go to the  Phone Numbers section of your Twilio Console and search for a phone number in your country and region, making sure the SMS checkbox is ticked.

Build a Hamilton Song Recommendation SMS Bot with Machine Learning

In the Messaging section of your purchased number, in the  A Message Comes In section, set the dropdown menu to Function instead of Webhook and then on the right select your Function from the larger dropdown menu, as shown below. Hit Save .

Build a Hamilton Song Recommendation SMS Bot with Machine Learning

Whip out your phone and text your Twilio number how you are feeling to see what Hamilton song you should listen to right now.

Build a Hamilton Song Recommendation SMS Bot with Machine Learning

What's Next for Recommending Hamilton Songs

Build a Hamilton Song Recommendation SMS Bot with Machine Learning

I will be listening to Hamilton to celebrate Hamilton coming to Disney Plus. In the meantime, you can use different tools to analyze texts likeIBM Watson, Google Cloud Natural Language ,TensorFlow.js, and more. You could also recommend a Hamilton lyric (must include "You're On Your Own. Awesome. Wow! Do You Have A Clue What Happens Now?" )  Let me know what you're building and what your favorite Hamilton song is online or in the comments.


以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Build a Hamilton Song Recommendation SMS Bot with Machine Learning》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!




ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook中文版

ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook中文版

Joey Lott、Adobe Dev Library / 陈建勋 / 电子工业 / 2007-11-01 / 78.00元

本书讨论了在Flash Player里执行的ActionScript3.0语言,采用问题—解法—讨论的形式讲解开发过程中常见问题的实际解法,例如:检测用户的 Flash Player 版本或操作系统;格式化日期和货币类型;接受用户输入及操作文字字符串;在运行时绘制各种形状;访问音频和视频;使用 Flash Remoting 进行远程过程调用;加载、发送和检索 XML 数据等。 全书涵盖客户端......一起来看看 《ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook中文版》 这本书的介绍吧!

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