Prescriptions Are a Dead End

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

I love to read about how great people accomplish great things. It’s similar to getting advice — I’m left with a high. I imagine that if I can follow the instructions, then I too will accomplish what they have. It’s a logical and tantalizing idea: follow the prescription, get the reward. In practice, it tends to fall short.

Kapil Gupta and Naval did a great interview where they touched on this pitfall.

The catch is, to achieve something truly remarkable, you have to do something new. It’s practically in the definition. Copying others can help you learn a domain. Imitation is good practice. But to do something new — to create art — you inevitably have to write your own script.

I expanded on these thoughts in a Twitter thread here , also touching on how prescriptions can act like false Gods.

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余果 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2015-9-1 / 49.00

全栈工程师正成为 IT 行业的新秀,论是上市互联网公司还是创业公司,都对全栈工程师青睐有加。本书作者是腾讯公司高级工程师,在前端、后端和APP开发方面都有丰富的经验,在本书中分享了全栈工程师的技能要求、核心竞争力、未来发展方向、对移动端的思考。除此之外,本书还详细记录了作者从零开始、学习成长的心路历程。 本书内容全面,客观务实,适合互联网行业新人、程序员,以及期待技术转型的从业者阅读参考。一起来看看 《Web全栈工程师的自我修养》 这本书的介绍吧!

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