内容简介:((Unary encoding is "" for 0, "1" for 1, "11" for 2, "11111" for 5, etc.)
gbacon at HN pointed to a method of integer factorization using regex .
(Unary encoding is "" for 0, "1" for 1, "11" for 2, "11111" for 5, etc.)
I simplified it a bit, becase the first part of ^1?$|^(11+?)\1+$ is just a check against an "1" string (which is prime) and emptry string (which is for 0) ( ^1?$ ), and I removed it for clarity:
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import re #n=12300 # composite #n=123001 # prime, 27s #n=12300200 # composite #n=123023 # composite, one factor: 43 #n=123027 # composite, one factor: 3 n=223099 # prime, 87s regex=re.compile("^(11+?)\\1+$") res=regex.match("1"*n) if res==None: print ("prime") else: print ("composite. one factor:", len(res[1]))
It can find factors for small numbers. And here is how it works. In plain English, we asking regex matcher to find such a string, that consists of some number (>=2) of "1"'s ( (11+?) ), which is glueled with the same string ( \1 ) arbitrary number of times ( + ).
Of course it's extremely slow, and even worse than bruteforce. For ~87 seconds on my old 2GHz CPU it can find that 223099 is a prime .
But again, this is like a thought experiment. A reduction from one problem (integer factorization) to another (find equal substrings in a string). Find a better algorithm for strings or for regex with backreferences, better than bruteforce (with or without backtracking) and this will be a revolution in computer science.
You can even simplify it further by removing + . This will divide (unary) numbers by 2 or fail it the number is odd: ^(11+?)\1$ .
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import re n=45682 regex=re.compile("^(11+?)\\1$") res=regex.match("1"*n) if res==None: print ("even number") else: print ("divided by 2:", len(res[1]))
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