内容简介:Today we’ve launched a refresh to the design of GitHub UI, and layout changes to your repository homepage. We hope these changes improve your experience visiting and maintaining repositories, and using GitHub in general. Along with visual design changes, y
Today we’ve launched a refresh to the design of GitHub UI, and layout changes to your repository homepage. We hope these changes improve your experience visiting and maintaining repositories, and using GitHub in general. Along with visual design changes, you’ll see the the following updates to your repository homepage:
- Responsive layout and improved mobile web experience
- More content surfaced via the repository sidebar
- Ability to show or hide Releases, Packages, and Environments in your repository sidebar
These changes lay the foundation for future incremental improvements that will better surface your projects, the people who make them extraordinary, accessibility, and yes, dark mode.
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董轶群、曹正凤、赵仁乾、王安 / 电子工业出版社 / 2017-7 / 59.00
Spark作为下一代大数据处理引擎,经过短短几年的飞跃式发展,正在以燎原之势席卷业界,现已成为大数据产业中的一股中坚力量。 《Spark大数据分析技术与实战》着重讲解了Spark内核、Spark GraphX、Spark SQL、Spark Streaming和Spark MLlib的核心概念与理论框架,并提供了相应的示例与解析。 《Spark大数据分析技术与实战》共分为8章,其中前4......一起来看看 《Spark大数据分析技术与实战》 这本书的介绍吧!