内容简介:Simple mDNS based reverse proxy for personal infrastructure.The server will check for mDNS broadcasts regularly and update it's configuration. tls is supported through Let's Encrypt.A node in the network can tell the switchboard to send requets that match
Simple mDNS based reverse proxy for personal infrastructure.
The server will check for mDNS broadcasts regularly and update it's configuration. tls is supported through Let's Encrypt.
switchboard route -port 80 -domain first.domain -domain second.domain
A node in the network can tell the switchboard to send requets that match a pattern it's way.
switchboard hookup -port 8000 -pattern first.domain/ // requests like https://first.domain/hello will be forwarded to this box on port 8000
switchboard hookup -port 8000 -pattern /test // requests like https://<some domain>/test will be forwarded to this box on port 8000
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
邱永华 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2013-9-1 / 49.00元
《XSS跨站脚本攻击剖析与防御》是一本专门剖析XSS安全的专业书,总共8章,主要包括的内容如下。第1章 XSS初探,主要阐述了XSS的基础知识,包括XSS的攻击原理和危害。第2章 XSS利用方式,就当前比较流行的XSS利用方式做了深入的剖析,这些攻击往往基于客户端,从挂马、窃取Cookies、会话劫持到钓鱼欺骗,各种攻击都不容忽视。第3章 XSS测试和利用工具,介绍了一些常见的XSS测试工具。第4......一起来看看 《XSS跨站脚本攻击剖析与防御》 这本书的介绍吧!